Bug 102835 - Allow ENDNOTES to be arranged by chapter near end of document; numbering restarts at each chapter
Summary: Allow ENDNOTES to be arranged by chapter near end of document; numbering rest...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Inherited From OOo
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
: 122828 122933 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Blocks: Footnote-Endnote Authors
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Reported: 2016-09-29 17:43 UTC by formfeed+bugz
Modified: 2024-12-29 10:08 UTC (History)
9 users (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:

example output (12.05 KB, application/pdf)
2016-09-29 17:43 UTC, formfeed+bugz

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description formfeed+bugz 2016-09-29 17:43:40 UTC
Created attachment 127727 [details]
example output

Books in the humanities often have footnotes (or endnotes) near the end of the book, but restart the numbering by chapter. 
I write "near end", because often index, bibliography, author-remarks follow these notes (see attached example). 

One solution would be to allow endnotes numbering to restart. This would not solve the notes-*near*-the-end-problem, or add a way to have chapter headlines between chapter notes. But both of these problems have hacks, not pretty, but would work till a more satisfying change could be implemeted.

A possibly better solution might be to add an option to add footnotes "at footnote-anchor". By default this anchor could be at end of the chapter, but the user could move the anchors towards "near" the end, add chapter headers and or separators in between, and text afterwards.  

I marked this feature request "normal" since it only matters for a subset of writer users. But for these users the feature is critical. I had to switch away from (then) staroffice for a book editing project because of this. 


Depending on the possible solution, these feature requests might be affected:
97675 35474 55436 52048
Comment 1 Heiko Tietze 2016-10-12 13:04:15 UTC
What is the difference to bug 97675? (If none we could make it a duplicate of this one.)
Comment 2 formfeed+bugz 2016-10-12 14:53:30 UTC
Bug 97675 would be a subset of this (Sorry for that oversight.)
It looks like 97675 would bring LibreOffice to what MSWord can do.

MSWord still needs "hacks" to achieve something that looks like the example layout. Headings between notes and further text after the endnotes are still problematic in Word. One partial MSWord hack is to suppress the notes and have them appear at the end of a section (seemingly after the main text). For more flexibility MS suggests converting the notes to text. 
The more elegant solution is to have a (somewhat*) moveable endnote anchor like in latex.  
*maybe "somewhat" moveable to avoid circularity & rendering hell




Latex :


Comment 3 Dieter 2019-01-20 13:04:49 UTC
*** Bug 122828 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Dieter 2019-01-24 16:21:58 UTC
*** Bug 122933 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 R. Green 2020-01-09 16:05:04 UTC
I'd like to reiterate this request. Most modern books seem to use endnotes divided into chapters, with the chapter number and name inserted at the head of each chapter's footnotes.
Comment 6 R. Green 2020-01-09 16:07:55 UTC
Oops: "footnotes" should read "endnotes".
Comment 7 christ.stark 2020-01-09 21:45:42 UTC Comment hidden (me-too)
Comment 8 peter josvai 2020-03-05 05:23:56 UTC Comment hidden (me-too)
Comment 9 Heiko Tietze 2020-03-16 16:53:38 UTC
The request makes sense and could be implemented without too many changes to the UI if footnotes/endnotes become part of the ToC > Type list. When the user inserts the first endnote we could place the ToC for endnotes on-the-fly at the end of the document, and make it related to the whole document. The user should be able to edit this ToC and move it somewhere else, like at the end of the chapter, and define the scope for just this chapter.

Alternatively, we could have two different endnote commands, one for the whole document at the end (as today), the other for the chapter; maybe that's the better approach as ToC have much more options that wouldn't be needed.

I wonder how the roundtrip with other office suites work. If that's not possible the request is unfortunately a WONTFIX.
Comment 10 R. Green 2021-02-02 20:02:24 UTC
Amended title as requested.
Comment 11 Dieter 2022-08-10 17:55:09 UTC
*** Bug 150207 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 12 Dieter 2022-09-22 07:53:21 UTC
We have two different reqquests here
a) Arranging endnotes near end of a chapter
b) Restart numbering of footnotes (and endnotes) at each chapter

Might be useful to separate it. Bug 129036 covers request a) and bug 150207 is the same as request b). So from my perspective we could either close bug 102835 or bug 129036 and bug 150207. I think developers should decide.
Comment 13 Tex2002ans 2023-11-16 15:34:19 UTC
I just ran across this issue yesterday.

I had a book that needed both:

1. Endnotes "near the end".
2. Endnotes numbered per chapter.

- - -

So, for 1, the book's layout would go like:

- Chapter 99
   - (Last chapter of book)
- Endnotes
- Index
- About the Publisher + other backmatter.

Like original reporter said, not just:

- End of chapter
- End of document

but a 3rd method of being able to place all endnotes "near the end"!

- - -

(Thanks to Comment #1 + #2 for some helpful articles too. That's how I was able to find some info/workarounds and find this issue too! See more info below.)

- - -

(In reply to Heiko Tietze from comment #9)
> The request makes sense and could be implemented without too many changes to
> the UI if footnotes/endnotes become part of the ToC > Type list. When the
> user inserts the first endnote we could place the ToC for endnotes
> on-the-fly at the end of the document, and make it related to the whole
> document. The user should be able to edit this ToC and move it somewhere
> else, like at the end of the chapter, and define the scope for just this
> chapter.


Yes, being able to insert an "Endnotes" section—similar to TOCs or "List of Figures"—would be fantastic!

- - -

> I wonder how the roundtrip with other office suites work. If that's not
> possible the request is unfortunately a WONTFIX.

Yeah, I fear it probably won't roundtrip well...

Currently, Microsoft Word requires some insane amount of hackish/manual steps to:

- "suppress endnotes" in each chapter/section.
- Leave the endnotes NOT "suppressed" in 1 section.
   - All the endnotes will appear here.

This was the solution we ultimately got working (in Word 2021) after ~2+ hours of hairpulling:

- https://superuser.com/questions/1181349/moving-endnotes-section-in-ms-word
- https://wordmvp.com/FAQs/Formatting/FootnoteFAQ.htm#TextAfterNotes

A mix of the linked ancient Word article + aVeRTRAC's superuser response.

I suspect the created DOCX is EXTREMELY fragile. (I haven't even tried to open it inside of LO yet.)