Knowing shortcuts (hotkeys) are important for effective work. But we need to see were the key of shortcuts are placed and learn them. For example by printing shortcuts on printer and put paper with them near workplace. For assigning new shortcut we need to see, where are unused keys on keyboard to place functions there. Please, add dialog to demonstrate all assigned shortcut this way: 1234567890-+ QWERTYUIOP[] ASDFGHJKL;' ZXCVBNM,./ and user can see shortcuts visual and quick learn them. When assigning new key users can see, where are free or nonimportant key and how handy it is. Also, add ability to print assigned shortcuts or ability to automatically generate document with visual representation of assigned shortcuts.
We appreciate you attempts at showing how offended you are (if that is what it is), but don't think your enhancement requests are useless just because nobody comes running to implement them.
At this time it is many more interesting bugs. This functionality can be done using Basic, IMHO.
Seems like this was never looked at by QA team. Moving to UNCONFIRMED as REOPENED is incorrect.
basically sasha asked to implement a "print current shortcut configuration as a list" thing. it looks to me a legitimate enhancement request. I don't understand the sarcasm in comment 2. status NEW.
This list should be published likely in the wiki and not something that users should need to print out from within LO, so closing. @Heiko, @Stuart, @Cor: If you disagree, please reopen.