For now, one can have just two hierarchical states in alphabetical index (i.e 1st key, 2nd key and the entry itself). I've encountered indexes where at least three hierarchical states are needed, so please consider to allow to have more keys so users can have flexibility to determine how their work's index looks out.
This is a feature/enhancement request, therefore changed 'Importance' field to 'enhancement'.
@ Marek Laane Thanks for new idea I even can not imagine how to may be used 3 keys for indexes. Please, explain for what they intended to be used. Attach example document if possible for demonstrating necessary of 3 keys
Well, I can't provide example document because, hmm, LO doesn't allow that so far :-) But I can describe the problem. In my last translation I encountered just such example, where there was some entries with four levels in the index. E.g. German army (Heer) Armies I Army in Moscow battle II Army in Moscow battle Divisions 204 Division and so on, hopefully you get it. I can even imagine more levels but anyway, so far LO allows maximally only three levels, so in such cases I have to tell layout people to create them manyally ... Not that it would be hard for them but it surely would be nice to have a chance to to it myself.
Thanks for example. Indeed, historical books need much more functionality from alphabetical index than currently exist. See these ideas for example: Bug 43530 - Functionality request for Writer: improve dialog "Insert index entry" Bug 30940 - Allowing more than one Alphabetical Index Bug 47598 - Allow to use italics and bold in (alphabetical) index Bug 47608 - Allow to have links inside of alphabetical index