Requesting a new locale for LibreOffice on behalf of Kairaba (I'll cc him to this bug). As per the debate on the l10n list, the most appropriate ISO code is nqo (cf It's a right-to-left language, not sure if that makes any difference in setting up. I'm not sure if the feature exists in LO but the Mozilla Pootle server has a function where commonly used special characters can be added so the show in the translation UI. Kairaba has found this useful, so if that's possible, adding the following would be great: ߐߏߎߍߌߋߊߙߘߗߖߕߔߓߡߟߞߝߜߛߚߒߦߥߤߣߢߨߩߪ߲߫߬߭߮߯߰߱߳ߴߵ߷߸߹ߺ߶߀߁߂߃߄߅߆߇߈߉
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 64331 ***