The customize dialog has two radio buttons: * LibreOffice (global settings) * Writer (settings specific to Writer) However, this has a disadvantage: Many global shortcuts like CTRL+H and CTRL+S are not shown when we select the "Writer" radio button. To a user, it means that these can be assigned to new functions! Desired behavior: * Instead of "LibreOffice", call that option "Global shortcuts" * When the "Writer" option is selected, show the global settings that are still effective (carried over) in Writer. (If any global shortcuts are overridden in Writer locally, the Customize dialog should display these new settings when the "Writer" option is selected; and display global setting when "Global" option is selected.)
Narayanaras: Could you provide a little more detail? Which dialogue are you referring to? How do I reach the settings dialogue? Currently with that limited information given I can not reproduce this problem, thus not confirm.
Found it: Top menu Extras > Customize > Keyboard. I can confirm that this is confusing to the user and could be improved. The request to display Global shortcuts also when viewing the Writer option makes sense. So setting to NEW. And adjusting to "enhancement". If devs do disagree, please modify those settings.
could be an interesting hack to merge those two lists?
Doubt it's an easy hack but definitely nonsense usability-wise to have two lists. Besides the potential easy hack we should consider a full redesign as discussed in bug 115527.
*** Bug 150541 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 83548 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 155189 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***