Bug 164458 - Tools -> Customize -> Keyboard: window lacks "Apply"-button
Summary: Tools -> Customize -> Keyboard: window lacks "Apply"-button
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: LibreOffice (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Keywords: needsUXEval
Depends on:
Blocks: Customize-Dialog-Keyboard
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Reported: 2024-12-25 13:57 UTC by Liz Lee
Modified: 2024-12-25 23:15 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Screenshot of the tools -> customize -> keyboard window (66.80 KB, image/png)
2024-12-25 16:45 UTC, Liz Lee

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Description Liz Lee 2024-12-25 13:57:14 UTC
Tools -> Customize -> Keyboard: window lacks "Apply"-button.

if you want to change e.g. a keyboard shortcut for the current application (e.g. writer) and subsequtnly want to change a shortcut for the "global" libre office suite, you are basically forced to klick the "OK"-button and open the window again.

just klicking the other radio button leads the previous made changes forgotten, as mentioned here:
Comment 1 m_a_riosv 2024-12-25 15:35:45 UTC
Please attach a screenshot of that window.

Assign is only available, when it is allowed.
Comment 2 Liz Lee 2024-12-25 16:45:46 UTC
Created attachment 198261 [details]
Screenshot of the tools -> customize -> keyboard window

(In reply to m_a_riosv from comment #1)
> Please attach a screenshot of that window.
> Assign is only available, when it is allowed.

yes, of course.

btw. just to be sure: i am talking about the "Apply"-button, not about the "Assign"-button.
Comment 3 V Stuart Foote 2024-12-25 23:15:01 UTC
Revision of the Keyboard panel of the Customize dialog, bug 115527 does not discuss addition of an 'Apply' key to assign/apply workflow. Adding it would allow RB mode change between global or module specific keyboard shortcuts.

Seems like it should?