Bug 99995 - Paragraphs with Font Effects>Hidden flag cannot be included in PDF export and not shown in File-Print Preview (workaround: print to PDF)
Summary: Paragraphs with Font Effects>Hidden flag cannot be included in PDF export and...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Inherited From OOo
Hardware: All All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Blocks: Print-Dialog Writer-Styles-Paragraph PDF-Export-Options-Dialog Graphics-Export
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2016-05-22 19:42 UTC by Andrew Watson
Modified: 2022-10-15 03:40 UTC (History)
7 users (show)

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Crash report or crash signature:

Test file to demonstrate Hidden Text that cannot be exported to PDF or Print Previewed (12.03 KB, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text)
2016-05-22 19:42 UTC, Andrew Watson

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Description Andrew Watson 2016-05-22 19:42:38 UTC
Created attachment 125235 [details]
Test file to demonstrate Hidden Text that cannot be exported to PDF or Print Previewed

Paragraph styles have a "Hidden" option under their "Font Effects" tab. There are setting that allow these paragraphs to be displayed on-screen or printed. However, there is no way to include these paragraphs in PDF generated via "File > Export as PDF ...". They also never appear in print previews.

To display Hidden paragraphs on-screen, View>Nonprinting characters must be set to ON, AND Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids>Hidden Text must be ON.

To print Hidden paragraphs to the printer, the "Hidden Text" selection in the print dialogue box must be ON. The default value of this selection is set via Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Print>Hidden Text. The value of View>Nonprinting characters is immaterial to printing Hidden Paragraphs.

However, there appears to be no setting that causes Hidden Text to be included in PDF output, or in the preview displayed by File>Page Preview.

The attached test file can be used to demonstrate this, and has been tested under these versions:

LO under Linux Mint 17.1 xfce
LO under Linux Mint 17.1 xfce
LO under MacOS 10.5.8
LO under Linux Mint 17.1 xfce
LO under Linux Mint 17.1.xfce
LO under Linux Mint 17.1 xfce

This behaviour seems to have been inherited from OpenOffice - see this 2010-vintage Open Office forum discussion:


IMO, there are two (interrelated?) serious bugs here:

1. It should be possible to switch on inclusion of paragraphs with the Hidden flag set in PDF generated with the "Export as PDF ..." command. 

2. If paragraphs with the Hidden flag set would by default be printed (i.e. the Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Print>Hidden Text flag is on), then the preview displayed with File>Page Preview should show it.

IMO there are also two related minor bugs:

3. It would be better if display of hidden text were made independent of the View>Nonprinting characters setting. Surely display of non-printing characters (such as Paragraph marks) is orthogonal to displaying Hidden Text?

4. It would be better if the "View>Hidden Paragraphs" option controlled the display of Paragraph styles whose Hidden option is set. Under the Principle of Least Surprise, any reasonable person would refer to a Paragraph style with the Hidden flag set as a "Hidden Paragraph", and therefore expect the "View>Hidden Paragraphs" option to control its display.
Comment 1 Heiko Tietze 2016-09-21 08:36:00 UTC
All your suggestions make sense. I remove the keyword UX since the issue is an ordinary bug, in my opinion (View > Hidden Paragraphs doesn't work at all).

* PDF export should behave like printing.
* Print preview should follow the print settings.
* Non-printable character (Formatting Marks in 5.3) must not be confused with hidden text, and View>Hidden should be the right trigger
Comment 2 Xisco Faulí 2017-09-29 08:48:27 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 3 Andrew Watson 2018-02-09 16:22:09 UTC
In response to Comment 2, re-tested with LO (Build ID 60bfb1526849283ce2491346ed2aa51c465abfe6), running under MacOS 10.11.6.

"View>Nonprinting characters" has been renamed "View>Formatting Marks", and no longer affects the display of paragraphs with the hidden attribure set, so that's a useful step forward.

Taking each of the four points in the original bug report in turn:

> 1. It should be possible to switch on inclusion of paragraphs with the Hidden 
> flag set in PDF generated with the "Export as PDF ..." command.'

There still seems to be no way to do include paragraphs with the Hidden flag set in PDF files generated with "Export As ... PDF".

I also tested "Export As ..." for PNG and JPEG. Their behaviour is also buggy, but in a different way: if Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids>Hidden Text is turned on, then Export As... PNG/JPEG includes the paragraph-with-the-hidden-flag-set in the generated image. However, if Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids>Hidden Text is turned off (so that the paragraph does not display on-screen), then the action of saving as PNG/JPEG turns it on before generating the image. Hence, not only is there no way of generating a PNG/JPEG that does not include the paragraph-with-the-hidden-flag-set, but one has to re-open Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids and manually turn off the flag again after trying (and failing) to do so.

> 2. If paragraphs with the Hidden flag set would by default be printed (i.e. 
> the Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Print>Hidden Text flag is on), then the 
> preview displayed with File>Page Preview should show it.

It is still the case that paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set never display in Print Previews, regardless of Preference settings.

>IMO there are also two minor bugs; it would be better if:
> 3. Display of hidden text were made independent of the View>Nonprinting 
> characters setting. Surely display of non-printing characters (such as 
> Paragraph marks) is orthogonal to displaying Hidden Text?

This has been corrected - see above.

> 4. The "View>Hidden Paragraphs" option controlled the display of Paragraph 
> styles whose Hidden option is set. Under the Principle of Least Surprise, any > reasonable person would refer to a Paragraph style with the Hidden flag set as > a "Hidden Paragraph", and therefore expect the "View>Hidden Paragraphs" option 
> to control its display.

Under LO there is no longer a "View>Hidden Paragraphs" option.
Comment 4 Andrew Watson 2018-06-09 21:18:34 UTC
Have just checked the test file (Hidden Text Test.odt) under:

Build ID: 8c76dfe1284e211954c30f219b3a38dcdd82f8a0
CPU threads: 4; OS: Mac OS X 10.11.6; UI render: default; 
Locale: en-US (en.UTF-8); Calc: group

Behaviour is still as for LO (Build ID 60bfb1526849283ce2491346ed2aa51c465abfe6), as described in Comment 3 above:

1. There is still no way to do include paragraphs with the Hidden flag set in PDF files generated with "Export As ... PDF".

2. "Export As ..." for PNG and JPEG is also buggy: if Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids>Hidden Text is turned on, then Export As... PNG/JPEG correctly includes the paragraph-with-the-hidden-flag-set in the generated image. However, if Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids>Hidden Text is turned off (so that the paragraph does not display on-screen), then the action of saving as PNG/JPEG turns it on before generating the image (and generates a PNG/JPEG with the hidden text).

3. Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set never display in Print Previews, regardless of Preference settings. If Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids>Hidden Text is turned on, selecting Print Preview always turns it off.
Comment 5 Andrew Watson 2019-01-18 10:41:03 UTC
Checked with:

Build ID: 2ce5217b30a543f7666022df50f0562f82be0cff
CPU threads: 4; OS: Mac OS X 10.11.6; UI render: default; VCL: osx; 
Locale: en-GB (en.UTF-8); UI-Language: en-US
Calc: threaded


1. There is still no way that I can find to include Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set in PDF files generated with "Export As ... PDF".

2. Display of Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set is now controlled by the "View>Formatting Marks" option. As befoe, I find this counter-intuitive. IMO on-screen display of Hidden Text is orthogonal to on-screen display of formatting marks.

3. In "Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids" the check boxes for "Display Fields: Hidden Text" and "Display Fields: Hidden Paragraphs" seem to have no effect on whether Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set are displayed on-screen - only the setting "View>Formatting Marks" controls this.

4. "Export As ..." for PNG and JPEG is still buggy: if "View>Formatting Marks" is switched off, selecting "Export as ..." for PNG and JPEG unilaterally switches it on. Although the generated PNG or JPEG then (correctly) exports the image with Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set showing, there seems to be no way to create a PNG/JPG with these paragraphs hidden.

5. I can still find no way of making "File>Print Preview" display Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set.
Comment 6 Andrew Watson 2019-07-08 19:36:01 UTC
Checked with:

Build ID: 41ac97386aba908b6db860cfb4cfe2da871886ae
CPU threads: 4; OS: Mac OS X 10.11.6; UI render: default; VCL: osx; 
Locale: en-GB (en.UTF-8); UI-Language: en-US
Calc: threaded


1. There is still no way that I can find to include Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set in PDF files generated with "Export As ... PDF" (Same behaviour as LO 6.2).

2. Display of Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set is now controlled by the "View>Formatting Marks" option AND the "Display Formatting: Hidden Characters" check-box on the "Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids" preferences pane - these paragraphs are only displayed on-screen if both these options are selected. However, there are also confusingly-similar check boxes on the "Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>View" pane called "Display Fields: Hidden text" and "Display Fields: Hidden Paragraphs". These do not seem to influence diplay of Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set.

The fact that the  "Display Formatting: Hidden Characters" check-box now DOES control display of hidden text is a step forward. However, I still find it confusing that "View>Formatting Marks" influences the display of Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set; formatting marks and hidden text seem to be orthogonal concepts to me.

3. "Export ..." for PNG and JPEG is much improved. If Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set are visible on-screen (i.e. both the "View>Formatting Marks" option AND the "Display Formatting: Hidden Characters" check-box on the "Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids" preferences pane are set) then the saved image includes the Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set; if the Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set are not visible on-screen, then they are not included in the saved image.

4. I can still find no way of making "File>Print Preview" display Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set, even if those paragraphs are printed with "File>Print".
Comment 7 Andrew Watson 2020-01-16 09:33:03 UTC
Checked with:

Build ID: 08d19fecdc7a2298d051e19cfdb7c35544855fc3
CPU threads: 4; OS: Mac OS X 10.11.6; UI render: default; VCL: osx; 
Locale: en-GB (en_GB.UTF-8); UI-Language: en-GB
Calc: threaded


1. There is still no way that I can find to include Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set in PDF files generated with "Export As ... PDF" (Same behaviour as all LO versions back to LO

2. Display of Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set is now controlled by the "View>Formatting Marks" option AND the "Display Formatting: Hidden Characters" check-box on the "Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids" preferences pane (same behaviour as LO documented in Comment 6). I still find it confusing that "View>Formatting Marks" influences the display of Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set; formatting marks and hidden text seem to be orthogonal concepts to me.

3. "Export ..." for PNG and JPEG has regressed back to its behaviour in LO - see comment 5. If "View>Formatting Marks" is switched off, selecting "Export as ..." for PNG and JPEG unilaterally switches it on. Furthermore, all the other "Display Formatting" settings  settings on the "Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids" preferences pane (i.e. "Paragraph end", "Soft Hyphens", "Spaces", "Non-breaking spaces", Tabs" and "Breaks" are unilaterally switched off. Although the generated PNG or JPEG then (correctly) exports the image with Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set showing, there seems to be no way to create a PNG/JPG with these paragraphs hidden. It also seems highly undesirable that simply selecting "Export ..." for PNG and JPEG (even if that export is then cancelled) should unilaterally change the state of 7 check-boxes on the "Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids" preferences pane.

4. I can still find no way of making "File>Print Preview" display Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set, even if those paragraphs are printed with "File>Print".
Comment 8 Andrew Watson 2020-05-11 09:19:53 UTC
Checked with:

Build ID: 6a03b2a54143a9bc0c6d4c7f1...
CPU threads: 4; OS: Mac OS X 10.11.6; UI render: default; VCL: osx; 
Locale: en-GB (en_GB.UTF-8); UI: en-GB
Calc: threaded


1. As in LO and later, there is no way that I can find to include Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set in PDF files generated with "Export As ... PDF".

2. As in LO and later, display of Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set is now controlled by the "View>Formatting Marks" option AND the "Display Formatting: Hidden Characters" check-box on the "Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids" preferences pane. I still find it confusing that "View>Formatting Marks" influences the display of Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set; formatting marks and hidden text seem to be orthogonal concepts to me.

3. As in LO, if "View>Formatting Marks" is switched off, selecting "Export as ..." for PNG and JPEG unilaterally switches it on. Furthermore, all the other "Display Formatting" settings  settings on the "Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids" preferences pane (i.e. "Paragraph end", "Soft Hyphens", "Spaces", "Non-breaking spaces", Tabs" and "Breaks" are unilaterally switched off. Although the generated PNG or JPEG then (correctly) exports the image with Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set showing, there seems to be no way to create a PNG/JPG with these paragraphs hidden. It also seems highly undesirable that simply selecting "Export ..." for PNG and JPEG (even if that export is then cancelled) should unilaterally change the state of 7 check-boxes on the "Preferences>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids" preferences pane. This is a regression: LO had more rational behaviour (see Comment 6 item 3), but this improvement had disappeared by LO

4. As in LO and later, there is no way of making "File>Print Preview" display Paragraphs-with-the-hidden-flag-set, even if those paragraphs are printed with "File>Print".
Comment 9 QA Administrators 2022-10-15 03:40:27 UTC
Dear Andrew Watson,

To make sure we're focusing on the bugs that affect our users today, LibreOffice QA is asking bug reporters and confirmers to retest open, confirmed bugs which have not been touched for over a year.

There have been thousands of bug fixes and commits since anyone checked on this bug report. During that time, it's possible that the bug has been fixed, or the details of the problem have changed. We'd really appreciate your help in getting confirmation that the bug is still present.

If you have time, please do the following:

Test to see if the bug is still present with the latest version of LibreOffice from https://www.libreoffice.org/download/

If the bug is present, please leave a comment that includes the information from Help - About LibreOffice.
If the bug is NOT present, please set the bug's Status field to RESOLVED-WORKSFORME and leave a comment that includes the information from Help - About LibreOffice.

Please DO NOT

Update the version field
Reply via email (please reply directly on the bug tracker)
Set the bug's Status field to RESOLVED - FIXED (this status has a particular meaning that is not 
appropriate in this case)

If you want to do more to help you can test to see if your issue is a REGRESSION. To do so:
1. Download and install oldest version of LibreOffice (usually 3.3 unless your bug pertains to a feature added after 3.3) from https://downloadarchive.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/old/

2. Test your bug
3. Leave a comment with your results.
4a. If the bug was present with 3.3 - set version to 'inherited from OOo';
4b. If the bug was not present in 3.3 - add 'regression' to keyword

Feel free to come ask questions or to say hello in our QA chat: https://web.libera.chat/?settings=#libreoffice-qa

Thank you for helping us make LibreOffice even better for everyone!

Warm Regards,
QA Team
