Bug 154755 (Thunderbird-Interoperability) - [META] Thunderbird interoperability and integration
Summary: [META] Thunderbird interoperability and integration
Status: NEW
Alias: Thunderbird-Interoperability
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: LibreOffice (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Inherited From OOo
Hardware: All All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on: 96592 116211 116636 138715 152530 154487 92667 125950 133609 135628 136130 151715 153911 162632
Blocks: Desktop-Integration
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Reported: 2023-04-11 11:57 UTC by Stéphane Guillou (stragu)
Modified: 2024-11-02 19:05 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Stéphane Guillou (stragu) 2023-04-11 11:57:42 UTC
LibreOffice does not have an email client component like other office suites do (e.g. MS Office with Outlook).
Thunderbird is the default Open Source client for many. Having smooth interoperability and improved integration between the two is important.
In 2023, both projects have expressed their desire to work more closely. See for example:
- https://mastodon.online/@thunderbird/110100617344411426 (archived: https://web.archive.org/web/https://mastodon.online/@thunderbird/110100617344411426)
- https://fosstodon.org/@libreoffice/110150592222353571 (archived: https://web.archive.org/web/https://fosstodon.org/@libreoffice/110150592222353571)

This meta bug can be used to track bugs and enhancements related to how LibreOffice and Thunderbird (+ forks like Betterbird) interoperate.

Thunderbird tickets with "LibreOffice" in the summary: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=specific&order=relevance+desc&bug_status=__open__&product=Thunderbird&content=LibreOffice&comments=0