Bug 113195 (CJK-Japanese) - [META] Japanese language-specific CJK issues
Summary: [META] Japanese language-specific CJK issues
Status: NEW
Alias: CJK-Japanese
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: LibreOffice (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Hardware: All All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on: 78189 89944 107185 118190 119219 128600 145808 147299 152293 45996 82115 101854 106962 107184 107209 112375 112648 114524 114556 114751 115066 118796 119183 120810 124800 126169 127491 129940 130140 130193 130750 134742 136081 136283 141957 142103 142407 144003 145658 149534 151789 151971 159006 160932
Blocks: CJK
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2017-10-17 15:22 UTC by Yousuf Philips (jay) (retired)
Modified: 2024-05-19 16:13 UTC (History)
7 users (show)

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Description Yousuf Philips (jay) (retired) 2017-10-17 15:22:50 UTC