Bug 68274 (MAR_update_framework) - provide better update mechanism -- Mozilla ARchive (mar) based incrementals on all supported platforms
Summary: provide better update mechanism -- Mozilla ARchive (mar) based incrementals o...
Alias: MAR_update_framework
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Installation (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Inherited From OOo
Hardware: All All
: high enhancement
Assignee: Stephan Bergmann
URL: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/D...
Whiteboard: target:25.2.0 target:24.8.2 target:24...
: 39028 83406 86985 92835 99951 130146 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 162780
Blocks: Automatic-Updater
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2013-08-19 13:10 UTC by retired
Modified: 2025-01-29 15:54 UTC (History)
47 users (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:

screenshot of standard sparkle options (18.85 KB, image/png)
2013-08-19 13:10 UTC, retired
2 log files (12.49 KB, application/zip)
2024-03-15 10:17 UTC, Maverick
Update available (15.54 KB, image/png)
2024-03-26 16:28 UTC, Maverick
Expert config Office.Update stanzas (25.42 KB, image/png)
2024-03-26 17:56 UTC, V Stuart Foote
Error message when attempting to update from 24.8.1. (85.99 KB, image/png)
2024-10-25 11:33 UTC, John Mills
Error message when attempting to auto update LibreOffice 24.8.1 (97.52 KB, image/jpeg)
2024-10-25 11:41 UTC, John Mills

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description retired 2013-08-19 13:10:46 UTC
Created attachment 84246 [details]
screenshot of standard sparkle options

Current behavior: existing update check is confusing and does not allow direct download let alone easy install.

Expected behavior: LibreOffice should use Sparkle on OS X with three appcasts files. The channels could be analogue to Firefox Stable / beta / nightly.

If you want to see sparkle in action it is integrated into tons of software on OS X and free to use:

E.g. in Transmission.

Allow users how often to check for updates and which release channel they want to be on.

Operating System: Mac OS X
Version: 3.3 all versions
Comment 1 Jorendc 2013-08-19 13:14:13 UTC
Looks a valid enhancement request to me.
Comment 2 Emir Sarı 2013-08-22 05:19:11 UTC
OH, I want this so badly!
Comment 3 retired 2013-10-15 09:04:00 UTC
Since users running outdated versions of LO and this would be a great solution to the problem (at least for OS X) I raise importance to "high".
Comment 4 William Entriken 2014-07-15 18:22:11 UTC
There is additional discussion on the Sparkle project.  https://github.com/sparkle-project/Sparkle/issues/380 

Some Sparkle developers and hackers want to help make this happen.

Are there some experts here that can help explain build details for Mac?
Comment 5 retired 2014-07-16 05:57:47 UTC
kendy made a very smart suggestion: why not look into using the Mozilla MPL licensed Software Update mechanism?


Major benefit would be, that it is (hopefully) cross-platform and thus would improve the update UX on all OS.
Comment 6 Adolfo Jayme Barrientos 2014-07-17 12:38:22 UTC
Also, note that there is an implementation of Sparkle for Windows: http://winsparkle.org/
Comment 7 Sierk Bornemann 2014-07-21 07:21:21 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> kendy made a very smart suggestion: why not look into using the Mozilla MPL
> licensed Software Update mechanism?
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/Software_Update
> Major benefit would be, that it is (hopefully) cross-platform and thus would
> improve the update UX on all OS.

Sparkle on OSX just WORKS. Mozillas Software Update _still_ has problems on OSX to update Firefox as a non-admin user.
Comment 8 Adolfo Jayme Barrientos 2014-09-04 00:07:54 UTC
*** Bug 83406 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 9 Adolfo Jayme Barrientos 2014-12-04 16:41:28 UTC
*** Bug 86985 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 10 brij 2015-03-02 20:11:28 UTC
Hi All,

I would like to start working on this bug. I went through the associated bugs and comments. According to them (stating the obvious), we need to re-use mozilla's update system's code and provide auto-update.

Kindly point me to the direction where I can start.

Thanks a lot!
Comment 11 Jan Holesovsky 2015-03-05 16:20:23 UTC
brij: If the answer is that the Mozilla's approach is the best, first we need to collect the code pointers to their implementation; so can you please find out the code that:

1) asks for updates in Firefox, and downloads the new stuff?

2) the code in Firefox that applies the update?

3) the code that builds a suitable update pack, and

4) the code for the server part that distributes the info that there is a new

When you have this, we need to plug that into the LibreOffice infrastructure accordingly.  For the 1) and 2), that would be have to be plugged into extensions/source/update/* , for 3), that would be something to plug into our release process, and 4) would be for the infra team.

Can you please add the code pointers here?  If you struggle with that, please let me know, I'll help searching :-)  Thanks in advance!
Comment 12 Nathan Yee 2015-03-12 05:02:31 UTC
I am interested in working on this bug in advance of GSoC. I've found the code for the updater via Mozilla IRC, but I did not have time to look it through.

Comment 13 brij 2015-03-12 12:23:58 UTC
Nathan: You might want to start by looking into nsIUpdateService.idl . This is the UI file and gives you an idea of the flow.
Comment 14 cen.is.imba 2015-03-12 23:59:11 UTC
I haven't looked into the OS X part yet but according to Mozilla wiki, on Windows it pretty much boils down to:

1. Download update in the background
2. Start a maintenance service which avoids UAC prompt (I think this works because you install the service as privileged, something along those lines)
3. Close Firefox, patch it with service, bring it back, close service (through some hackery)

As I see it, all that really needs to be done is to change downloads to be done in the background and move the patching code into a service. I'm not sure any special framework or major changes are needed, just a separation of the patching process. Any thoughts on that?
Comment 15 Michael Bauer 2015-03-13 00:04:56 UTC
One thing that needs double checking is whether the process correctly picks up the installed LO locale(s) and maintains that. It has a nasty habit of switching back to English.
Also the current procedure is that you download the default installer with ALL locales. This is not efficient, esp on bad bandwidth, so (though it could be a developmental feature for 1.1) is to only pull the patch for the locales required.
Comment 16 Laurent Godard 2015-03-13 08:21:58 UTC
enhancement proposal

checking new LibreOffice version and installed Extensions seem to be coupled

Dealing with libreoffice update, these 2 actions should be separated and an other enhancement would be specifying the checking/update policy per extension

but as first step let only separate libreoffice update notification and Extensions as a whole
Comment 17 Dennis Roczek 2015-03-13 10:03:46 UTC
enhancement proposal (well for version 1.2 or so ^^) for windows:
checking for offline help and update to newest version. ;-)
Comment 18 Jan Holesovsky 2015-03-13 10:21:26 UTC
Please let's not pollute this bug with enhancement requests; if you want to file any, create separate bugs for that, and make this one depend on them :-)

Thank you!
Comment 19 Michael Bauer 2015-03-13 10:53:28 UTC
This is not an enhancement. It is a prerequisite. How do you think the millions of non-English LO will feel if we implement an automatic update which resets them to English by accident or design? Making sure the new update does NOT mess up the locale is a showstopper. 

Thank you.
Comment 20 Michael Bauer 2015-03-13 11:18:15 UTC
Pls ignore my last comment, I misread. :$
Comment 22 Nathan Yee 2015-05-26 03:14:04 UTC
I have started looking for code pointers relevant to this bug. Here is what I have currently found:

The files that we are interested in are primarily nsUpdateService.js, nsIUpdateService.idl, and possibly nsUpdateServiceStub.idl.

How updates are created:
- select best update from a list of updates:
    IDL: nsIUpdate selectUpdate([array,
                                 size_is(updateCount)] in nsIUpdate updates,
                                 in unsigned long updateCount)
       * Determine the update from the specified updates that should be offered.
       * If both valid major and minor updates are available the minor update will
       * be offered.
       * @param   updates
       *          An array of available nsIUpdate items
       * @return  The nsIUpdate to offer.
      selectUpdate: function AUS_selectUpdate(updates) {...}
- download the update:
    IDL: AString downloadUpdate(in nsIUpdate update, in boolean background)
       * Download and stage the given update.
       * @param   update
       *          A nsIUpdate object to download a patch for. Cannot be null.
    downloadUpdate: function Downloader_downloadUpdate(update) {...}
    - lines 4232-4252 in nsUpdateService.js are significant

- apply the update:
    IDL: void applyOsUpdate(in nsIUpdate update)
For more info on the update service check nsIUpdateService.idl (lines 350-456).

The functions appear to rely on an nsIUpdate object. It's interface is in nsIUpdateService.idl as 'nsIUpdate'.

Infra needed:
- general information about updates: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Software_Update
- information about Windows Silent Update Service: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Windows_Service_Silent_Update
- XML format for determining updates: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Software_Update:updates.xml_Format
We will need to look further into this later.
- code performing check:
    In the Checker prototype, getUpdateURL(force) gets the URL to the XML update details file on a server, checkForUpdates(listener, force) checks for updates.
- code triggering update install is detailed in the "How updates are created" section
Comment 23 Nathan Yee 2015-05-27 19:30:49 UTC
Current information regarding this issue can be found here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Online_Update
Comment 24 Commit Notification 2015-07-22 05:20:43 UTC
Nathan Yee committed a patch related to this issue.
It has been pushed to "master":


online update tdf#68274: fix --enable-online-update=mar on Windows

It will be available in 5.1.0.

The patch should be included in the daily builds available at
http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/ in the next 24-48 hours. More
information about daily builds can be found at:
Affected users are encouraged to test the fix and report feedback.
Comment 25 Shahar Or 2016-02-10 13:23:25 UTC
*** Bug 39028 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 26 V Stuart Foote 2016-05-19 20:01:14 UTC
*** Bug 99951 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 27 V Stuart Foote 2016-05-19 20:23:46 UTC
clearing the Whiteboard target entry, that was Nathan Yee's preliminary work setting up Mozilla's Mozilla ARchive, or "mar", incremental binary updating--still lots to be done.

Clearly has moved beyond an OS X only issue. And not clear why this would not simply be closed duplicate of bug 54242 -- or better close that to this.

status here

Comment 28 steve 2016-05-19 21:19:00 UTC
Stuart: this bug was OS X only, since the OP (me) suggested to use Sparkle to deal with updates. The sparkle framework is OS X only.

If TDF / LO core devs decide to instead work on the mozilla update mechanism that is fine and then of course it is OS agnostic (iirc).

Sparkle: https://github.com/sparkle-project/Sparkle
Comment 29 steve 2016-05-19 21:19:46 UTC
ups. sorry, OP not me, but I am sure I filed a dupe a long time ago ;)
Comment 30 V Stuart Foote 2016-05-19 22:27:27 UTC
@Steve, looks like it went cross platform from comment 5 onward...
Comment 31 Sierk Bornemann 2016-05-19 22:35:16 UTC
(In reply to steve -_- from comment #28)
> The sparkle framework is OS X only.

Sparkle OS X: Sparkle

Sparkle Windows: WinSparkle
Comment 32 V Stuart Foote 2016-06-28 19:34:31 UTC
*** Bug 92835 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 33 V Stuart Foote 2016-06-28 19:36:08 UTC
*** Bug 83406 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 34 Mike Kaganski 2016-10-04 23:43:02 UTC
Does the work on MAR-based LO updater for Windows account for the case when LO for Windows is initially installed using MSI (the prevalent majority case, mandatory for enterprise deployment)?

I ask because the updater should not break mandatory MSI functionality, such as:

1. Add/remove components of installed software. This could be broken if we simply replace some files in installation directory:
1.1. If we simply replace a file 1-to-1, then removing a feature with that file and then adding it again will restore old file from MSI kept in Windows\Installer directory, which is undesirable at least, and can prevent from working because of incompatibilities of different versions of different files trying to work together. Also, installer may detect different version of a file, and work improperly;
1.2. If an update wants to add new files or remove existing, this is another sort of problems for installer trying to add/remove features.

2. Uninstall the software: if the updater had added new files to installation, then uninstaller must not have those files (that it knows nothing about) left in Program Files after uninstall (or it will be bad UX).

3. Repair/reinstall: I suppose it's obvious what problems may be encountered here, least of those is unexpected reverting to an older version.
Comment 35 Nathan Yee 2016-11-17 02:44:25 UTC
(In reply to Mike Kaganski from comment #34)
> Does the work on MAR-based LO updater for Windows account for the case when
> LO for Windows is initially installed using MSI (the prevalent majority
> case, mandatory for enterprise deployment)?
> I ask because the updater should not break mandatory MSI functionality, such
> as:
> 1. Add/remove components of installed software. This could be broken if we
> simply replace some files in installation directory:
> 1.1. If we simply replace a file 1-to-1, then removing a feature with that
> file and then adding it again will restore old file from MSI kept in
> Windows\Installer directory, which is undesirable at least, and can prevent
> from working because of incompatibilities of different versions of different
> files trying to work together. Also, installer may detect different version
> of a file, and work improperly;
> 1.2. If an update wants to add new files or remove existing, this is another
> sort of problems for installer trying to add/remove features.
> 2. Uninstall the software: if the updater had added new files to
> installation, then uninstaller must not have those files (that it knows
> nothing about) left in Program Files after uninstall (or it will be bad UX).
> 3. Repair/reinstall: I suppose it's obvious what problems may be encountered
> here, least of those is unexpected reverting to an older version.

I do not know if the work I did on the updater accounts for these changes. It has been a while since I have worked on the updater, and in hindsight I believe that it would have been a better idea to use an existing software updating framework instead of porting Mozilla's updater. From what I remember seeing, their implementation was tightly coupled to Firefox and thus I think it would have been much cleaner and safer to use a different approach for an LO update mechanism.

I would personally recommend scrapping the existing work on the updater and looking into an alternative framework such as Sparkle.
Comment 36 Jan Holesovsky 2016-11-18 10:42:50 UTC
Unfortunately Sparkle was not cross-platform :-(
Comment 37 Sierk Bornemann 2016-11-18 12:20:37 UTC
(In reply to Jan Holesovsky from comment #36)
> Unfortunately Sparkle was not cross-platform :-(

Sparkle for macOS: Sparkle

Sparkle for Windows: WinSparkle

Updates via distribution's package management anyway

One user of Sparkle (at least on the macOS platform) for its cross platform software:

* Java Plugin/JRE from Oracle

Other cross platform software projects, which also are using Sparkle for updating itself (at least on the macOS platform):

* Transmission
* VLC Media Player

How did all these projects achieve that in doing so and in doing so well and in doing so cross platform?

What have they done to achieve that, what LibreOffice can't do and achieve either?
Comment 38 Buovjaga 2016-11-18 13:25:35 UTC
(In reply to Sierk Bornemann from comment #37)
> (In reply to Jan Holesovsky from comment #36)
> > Unfortunately Sparkle was not cross-platform :-(
> Sparkle for macOS: Sparkle
> https://sparkle-project.org/
> https://github.com/sparkle-project/Sparkle
> Sparkle for Windows: WinSparkle
> https://winsparkle.org/
> https://github.com/vslavik/winsparkle

Two different products, not a single cross-platform one.

Markus M. will work on getting the current updater in shape. Let's not get carried away. There's plenty of LibreOffice work we can direct our energy to while waiting.
Comment 39 Buovjaga 2016-11-18 13:43:49 UTC
(In reply to Buovjaga from comment #38)
> Markus M. will work on getting the current updater in shape. Let's not get
> carried away. There's plenty of LibreOffice work we can direct our energy to
> while waiting.

Quick update: Markus just pushed the updater to a feature branch: https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/log/?h=feature/mar-updater
Comment 40 Adolfo Jayme Barrientos 2016-11-28 14:21:23 UTC
(In reply to Nathan Yee from comment #35)
> I would personally recommend scrapping the existing work on the updater and
> looking into an alternative framework such as Sparkle.

That’s what I’ve been saying since before this project started. It’s sad that nobody seems to listen.
Comment 41 steve 2016-11-28 14:42:33 UTC
I strongly support sparkle usage. The counter argument atm from devs is, that sparkle is not cross platform. And then again, snap-builds (whatever that is) on Linux is dealt with and that's not cross from what I can tell.

Obviously work is happening since moggi pushed the mar updater for windows to a feature branch. That branch also has recent action. So work is being done at this time.

Downside for macOS: moggi is not interested to work on any updater stuff regarding macOS. That's his preferences and I respect that. But I wonder, how updates on macOS then can be moved forward into some constructive direction.

Adolfo are you in touch with QA / Dev department? We all agree this is an important problem in LO I guess. Figuring out options to move this forward would be great.
Comment 42 Markus Mohrhard 2017-01-02 19:27:02 UTC
(In reply to Adolfo Jayme from comment #40)
> (In reply to Nathan Yee from comment #35)
> > I would personally recommend scrapping the existing work on the updater and
> > looking into an alternative framework such as Sparkle.
> That’s what I’ve been saying since before this project started. It’s sad
> that nobody seems to listen.

The mar based updater code is actually quite good. I'm not sure why people recommend to use something else without having had a look into the code.

The only problems with the mar based updater are infra problems. Otherwise the code solves many problems that big and complex projects like LibreOffice or Firefox have. Additionally the Mozilla security team did a quite good analysis of the problem space and raised many security issues that are fixed. Does anyone here volunteer to do the same security audit for any other system?

I'm happy to hand over the work on an automated updater if someone wants to deal with all these boring low level platform details.
Comment 43 Markus Mohrhard 2017-01-03 01:27:27 UTC
(In reply to steve -_- from comment #41)
> I strongly support sparkle usage. The counter argument atm from devs is,
> that sparkle is not cross platform. And then again, snap-builds (whatever
> that is) on Linux is dealt with and that's not cross from what I can tell.

How are they related? There is a huge difference between some release format (they are already all platform dependent) and introducing 3 platform dependent update mechanisms. This means 3 times the code and 3 times the attack surface.

> Obviously work is happening since moggi pushed the mar updater for windows
> to a feature branch. That branch also has recent action. So work is being
> done at this time.
> Downside for macOS: moggi is not interested to work on any updater stuff
> regarding macOS. That's his preferences and I respect that. But I wonder,
> how updates on macOS then can be moved forward into some constructive
> direction.

Yes, I will not do the work necessary to enable the feature on OSX. However the code is there and you just need to find a developer to spend a bit of time enabling the feature. It is not that it would not work, just that I will not spend my free time debugging platform problems and dealing with OSX. Mozilla's updater code works on OSX and all the platform bits are already in our repo.

> Adolfo are you in touch with QA / Dev department? We all agree this is an
> important problem in LO I guess. Figuring out options to move this forward
> would be great.

Did anyone here who says that the mar based updater is a bad idea and sparkle is such a good idea have ever looked into the code. Especially all the security stuff related to installing automated updates. Do you really want to audit 3 different frameworks? Do you really suppose that you will find developers willing to maintain 3 different update frameworks. I suppose I have better chances convincing all other developers to just drop OSX support.
Comment 44 Markus Mohrhard 2017-01-03 02:11:52 UTC
And to make sure it is not only a rant but also shows some of the things that any alternative would need to provide:

* cross-platform, at least Windows and Linux, OSX is a plus
* simple signing of the update files
* silent updater for limited user accounts on windows (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=711475)
* verification of updater, updater service, and update file signature (e.g. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=709173, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=704285, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=708854)
* a way to have the silent update service optional
* version checks for the update files (on the client side, needs to happen in the updater)(https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=708688)
* update service should drop all unnecessary permissions (might execute untrusted stuff)
* a decent security review (e.g. at least the points raised by the Mozilla security team need to be handled) (especially the silent update service is a high risk piece of code)
* handling of staged updates on windows (work around for the nasty file is still in use problem on windows)

Now most of the stuff is already implemented in our updater branch. I even managed to get the update service building and have most of the security stuff adapted to our code. To show that an alternative is better you need to cross at least these points from the list and show that it is less work to integrate it correctly than it is to finish the current code.
Comment 45 Ben Hearsum 2017-04-11 15:25:59 UTC
Hi there, I'm one of the Mozilla engineers who works a lot on our update system (mostly the server side). If there's any questions are confusion about the way our updates work feel free to get in touch (email, irc - whatever) - I'm happy to help if you're having issues.

I also wanted to point you at https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReleaseEngineering/Funsize - which is the system we use to generate partial MARs these days.
Comment 46 Markus Mohrhard 2017-07-09 11:44:03 UTC
(In reply to Ben Hearsum from comment #45)
> Hi there, I'm one of the Mozilla engineers who works a lot on our update
> system (mostly the server side). If there's any questions are confusion
> about the way our updates work feel free to get in touch (email, irc -
> whatever) - I'm happy to help if you're having issues.
> I also wanted to point you at
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReleaseEngineering/Funsize - which is the system we
> use to generate partial MARs these days.

Hey Ben,

thanks for the offer. I have by now implemented at least some parts of the mar based updater for Linux daily builds. We have some unique challenges that are different to Mozilla that we need to solve (e.g. we distribute MSI on windows and will need to generate MSP that we wrap in the MAR files).

Funsize looks like something I need to evaluate. We are still hoping to be able get basic automatic updates based on the Mozilla updater code working in 6.0
Comment 47 Xisco Faulí 2019-06-04 13:47:55 UTC
*** Bug 125625 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 48 Xisco Faulí 2019-12-03 10:20:43 UTC
Changing priority to 'high' since the number of duplicates is higher than 5 or the number of people in CC higher than 20
Comment 49 V Stuart Foote 2020-01-23 16:03:36 UTC
*** Bug 130146 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 50 Buovjaga 2020-04-03 14:04:23 UTC
(In reply to Ben Hearsum from comment #45)
> I also wanted to point you at
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReleaseEngineering/Funsize - which is the system we
> use to generate partial MARs these days.

The funsize Github repo is archived and apparently funsize now lives in https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/tip/taskcluster/docker/funsize-update-generator/scripts/funsize.py
Comment 51 Claudius Ellsel 2020-10-23 12:08:18 UTC
What is the current state of this? Having auto updates on Windows is pretty important imho to ensure a nice user experience.
Comment 52 Heiko Tietze 2021-05-25 12:43:05 UTC
Proposal for a better UI at bug 80110
Comment 53 Buovjaga 2022-03-04 09:46:19 UTC
*** Bug 147758 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 54 Stephan Bergmann 2024-01-08 12:31:38 UTC
Work is ongoing to make this available as (for now) an experimental feature for Windows in LibreOffice 24.2.0, see <https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/index.php?title=Development/Online_Update&oldid=720758> ("updated to current status") for details.

A list of relevant commits on the libreoffice-24-2 branch so far:
> 7f49fa220225d2afbefac756a03586212d8ce1c6 "Make --enable-online-update=mar at least compile again, on Linux"
> 8686b480ba1d79463f33fe931a454d9d92c3d739 "Fix apparent copy/paste typo"
> cc3fb303db41492eccf845f34581b462c6ee24ec "Fix apparent typo in make create-update-info"
> d4370db8ceb74950d3ef381d4a0c1aca033f0294 "mkdir_p still needed by make create-partial-info"
> b17d051ad56ab706d15a3b696266be1ac1df2e5d "Make --enable-online-update and --enable-online-update=mar orthogonal"
> 5d2c5b09c9e7940b2285180b42e6e574063b693e "GUI to en-/disable the --enable-online-update-mar feature at runtime"
> caea33a11a212fc1c0426c90715c06376dbb9f06 "Turn on MAR-based updater for Win64"
> 13595f6220095d120e13ccb6fbfac1de4c803fe7 "Fix --enable-online-update-mar on Windows"
> bce717bcc3b647fa43e403c459500ed5ed79def4 "Fix Linux --enable-online-update-mar build"
> 5af8759dc7bd9219f0cfc01aaa0d83b323a581ae "Split --with-update-config=... into many --with-online-update-mar-...=..."
> acf00a90166bd17198e5b3c9fb2417dd0bd45deb "Fix number of actual arguments"
> 084b1f6d0c43a90bb15c58e7e8d7b4f6d2e53de4 "Fix backward vs. forward slashes on Windows"
> e34e4640823dd729bb9d530cbe1d187d991f8532 "Turn onlineupdate into external/onlineupdate"
> dec2ee4f9d1e01757c76362f2f94600fe6c25066 "-Werror,-Wunused-result"
> 92b7f110a9a4b61c01a921bfa65b3951a8386b62 "Fix placement for --enable-online-update-mar UI"
> 62a50239e06ac2f94f4a1cfbef5a8689bd42b875 "Avoid "Desktop disposed before terminating it" assert"
> 9800a7106223bd7759aa851574ef720d15a146cd "Hide --enable-online-updaet-mar GUI behind ExperimentalMode for now"
> d125fc2a2178b100253ea089b7ad30acafccfb57 "Improve --enable-online-update-mar Windows MOZ_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE feature"
> 1913ad7cfbf8d101f7e7bc8832b57bdded7ab389 "Set --with-online-update-mar-channel for distro-configs/LibreOfficeWin64.conf"
> a4ad9b249eb002137dbab9f6df89280bc5ca3ef8 "Revert "updater: check every 12 hours for updates for now""
> 1c069c14a130010ec6cf53bd1b7d84a9df589f36 "Update --enable-online-update-mar server URL"
> 04b18e28d3b44e2175331e78183e3b0fe6d81187 "Windows MSI custom action for --enable-online-update-mar"
> b66c2c243b4877475341011d851196a201610321 Fix Windows MSI custom action for --enable-online-update-mar
> 8aff3034ed3dec8c579d169bbe1e3094b49a8b72 Fix Windows path separator
> 953ffde0ec80581c56c17bfec71e1b2817a3592d Hard-code --with-online-update-mar-channel=LOOnlineUpdater
> 57092e6eadecec93e85c2d81d0e8601f6ec1106e Re-enable MOZ_VERIFY_MAR_SIGNATURE feature
> 7b47ee0b6ca78ed51544b8177b810cd353814068 Actually drop --with-online-update-mar-channel
> 37fb56a1ce031f929067b37c2959b970ff39efd2 Don't mess with UserInstallation setting of --with-package-format=archive
> f28e0f30a47b3c8706d0247e1ee4f3e4084546cd Also copy updater.ini (so that updater progress UI will actually shown up)
> b235e5e2f0933a013c6177f7e31ae82b45e9e048 Fix make create-update-info (for Windows, at least)
> aa93c77c360f1b1e60baa3af556976f697147005 Introduce external/onlineupdate/monitor-sources.sh
> 958089803917f46c81ca818b791c846c072f6fca Fix make create-update-info also for non-Windows
> 873443e40fdfaa992edc4bc05b01c71e61ab2e94 Workaround for --disable-windows-build-signing --enable-dbgutil test builds
Comment 55 Maverick 2024-03-14 16:25:51 UTC
(In reply to Stephan Bergmann from comment #54)

Today i was presented with something i was waiting for a long time (years, now...). That's the Libreoffice automatic update (thank you so much for it @Stephan Bergmann).

It says "Please wait while we update your installation."

Soon after libreoffice loads but there is no new version installed.

i tried to run as administrator and i got the same result.

is this expectable?
Comment 56 Dennis Roczek 2024-03-14 20:11:25 UTC
(In reply to Maverick from comment #55)
> (In reply to Stephan Bergmann from comment #54)
> Today i was presented with something i was waiting for a long time (years,
> now...). That's the Libreoffice automatic update (thank you so much for it
> @Stephan Bergmann).
> It says "Please wait while we update your installation."
> Soon after libreoffice loads but there is no new version installed.
> i tried to run as administrator and i got the same result.
> is this expectable?

From the ESC log:

* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
    + 7.6: 7.6.6 RC2 next week
    + 24.2.2 RC2 next week
    + MAR update
      + enabled now for 24.0.0 -> 24.1.1, seems to work
      + RC<N> -> final will be enabled; otherwise just final -> next final
      + thanks a lot (Stephan)
      + does this mean end-users can already use this? (Xisco)
        + it's experimental for 24.2, but yes (Cloph)
          + need to opt in via tools -> options
        + on master, no longer experimental, but still need to opt in (Stephan)
          + for now, hardcoded to check once a week

Did you activate that option?
Comment 57 Stephan Bergmann 2024-03-15 09:35:24 UTC
(In reply to Maverick from comment #55)
> It says "Please wait while we update your installation."
> Soon after libreoffice loads but there is no new version installed.

This means that it downloaded an update and at least tried to apply it.  I don't have a Windows machine around today to check the details, but in your user installation (.../LibreOffice/4/), next to the user/ sub-dir, there should now be a sub-dir named update/ (or something similar) with a sub-dir named 0/.  Inside that should be a "status" file (what does it contain?) and one or more *.log files.  If you could attach those here, that would be helpful.  Also, is there a *.mar file in that directory?
Comment 58 Maverick 2024-03-15 10:08:39 UTC
(In reply to Dennis Roczek from comment #56)
> Did you activate that option?

If you mean Tools > Options > On-line Update > Enable Automatic Update, then yest it's enabled!
Comment 59 Maverick 2024-03-15 10:16:57 UTC
(In reply to Stephan Bergmann from comment #57)
> Inside that should be a "status" file (what does it contain?)

Just the text "pending-service"

> and one or more *.log files.  If you could attach those here, that would be helpful.  

Will attach 2 .log files

> Also, is there a *.mar file in that directory?

Yes it is, an update.mar (size: 15.0mb)
Comment 60 Maverick 2024-03-15 10:17:50 UTC
Created attachment 193127 [details]
2 log files

the requested log files
Comment 61 Stephan Bergmann 2024-03-15 11:38:33 UTC
(In reply to Maverick from comment #60)
> the requested log files

The relevant part is in update-elevated.log:

> 2024-03-14 16:18:10+0000: EXECUTE PATCH share/wizards/resources_ug.properties
> 2024-03-14 16:18:10+0000: LoadSourceFile: destination file size 80585 does not match expected size 78930
> 2024-03-14 16:18:10+0000: LoadSourceFile failed
> 2024-03-14 16:18:10+0000: ### execution failed

Are you aware that you ever manually modified the file share/wizards/resources_ug.properties in the LO installation?  Alternatively, it might be the case that some operation does change that file, which we'd need to track down.  Can you please open a Windows command shell and do a `dir` of that LO installation's share/wizards directory, and paste the output here?  If that output includes file time stamps, it might give a first clue whether your resources_ug.properties has indeed been modified post installation.
Comment 62 Maverick 2024-03-15 11:57:39 UTC
(In reply to Stephan Bergmann from comment #61)
> Are you aware that you ever manually modified the file
> share/wizards/resources_ug.properties in the LO installation? 

I am sure i never manually modified the file share/wizards/resources_ug.properties in the LO installation!!!

Now, the weird thing is that this is happening in all our Windows machines (plus a personal laptop i have at home...)

I'm not on a windows machine ATM. As soon as i can (in about 1h-3h) i'll fire up the CLI and report back here.
Comment 63 Maverick 2024-03-15 13:07:01 UTC
(In reply to Stephan Bergmann from comment #61)
> Can you please open a Windows command
> shell and do a `dir` of that LO installation's share/wizards directory, and
> paste the output here?  If that output includes file time stamps, it might
> give a first clue whether your resources_ug.properties has indeed been
> modified post installation.

Does not seem to have been modified post instalation... but, here's the output (i have a PT installation, btw):

01-02-2024  12:04    <DIR>          .
01-02-2024  12:04    <DIR>          ..
28-01-2024  19:44            25.263 resources_af.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            56.065 resources_am.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            68.266 resources_ar.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            75.870 resources_as.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            27.764 resources_ast.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            81.069 resources_be.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            88.474 resources_bg.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            70.192 resources_bn.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            76.578 resources_bn_IN.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            82.443 resources_bo.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            28.342 resources_br.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            71.862 resources_brx.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            26.446 resources_bs.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            27.904 resources_ca.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            27.809 resources_ca_valencia.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            29.134 resources_ckb.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            31.069 resources_cs.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            24.684 resources_cy.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            26.096 resources_da.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            28.789 resources_de.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            61.875 resources_dgo.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            32.292 resources_dsb.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            90.198 resources_dz.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            94.777 resources_el.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            24.519 resources_en_GB.properties
29-06-2023  22:13            23.957 resources_en_US.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            24.520 resources_en_ZA.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            26.025 resources_eo.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            28.142 resources_es.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            26.362 resources_et.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            25.559 resources_eu.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            50.737 resources_fa.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            27.043 resources_fi.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            30.391 resources_fr.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            24.523 resources_fur.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            26.481 resources_fy.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            31.447 resources_ga.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            30.996 resources_gd.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            28.183 resources_gl.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            71.763 resources_gu.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            25.503 resources_gug.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            63.588 resources_he.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            72.113 resources_hi.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            26.843 resources_hr.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            30.186 resources_hsb.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            33.764 resources_hu.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            90.643 resources_hy.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            24.378 resources_id.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            31.710 resources_is.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            26.932 resources_it.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            50.229 resources_ja.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            72.485 resources_ka.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            26.818 resources_kab.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            83.739 resources_kk.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            86.620 resources_km.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            29.422 resources_kmr_Latn.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            86.351 resources_kn.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            40.943 resources_ko.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            68.582 resources_kok.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            61.753 resources_ks.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            24.730 resources_lb.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            65.155 resources_lo.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            29.016 resources_lt.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            30.094 resources_lv.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            65.914 resources_mai.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            75.895 resources_mk.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            86.016 resources_ml.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            85.242 resources_mn.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            70.092 resources_mni.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            73.768 resources_mr.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            91.894 resources_my.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            25.770 resources_nb.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            78.178 resources_ne.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            26.275 resources_nl.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            25.665 resources_nn.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            25.955 resources_nr.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            28.902 resources_nso.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            28.692 resources_oc.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            25.382 resources_om.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            78.021 resources_or.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            67.816 resources_pa_IN.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            28.434 resources_pl.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            28.915 resources_pt.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            28.842 resources_pt_BR.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            29.893 resources_ro.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            79.441 resources_ru.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            25.795 resources_rw.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            92.425 resources_sat.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            71.474 resources_sa_IN.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            61.962 resources_sd.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            64.734 resources_si.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            24.354 resources_sid.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            30.721 resources_sk.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            26.893 resources_sl.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            27.772 resources_sq.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            25.913 resources_sr.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            24.523 resources_sr_Latn.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            25.672 resources_ss.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            26.783 resources_st.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            27.281 resources_sv.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            24.495 resources_sw_TZ.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            28.333 resources_szl.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            81.256 resources_ta.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            77.605 resources_te.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            71.772 resources_tg.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            84.034 resources_th.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            25.403 resources_tn.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            30.358 resources_tr.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            26.722 resources_ts.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            26.505 resources_tt.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            80.585 resources_ug.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            79.896 resources_uk.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            25.498 resources_uz.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            29.350 resources_ve.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            30.506 resources_vec.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            35.478 resources_vi.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            27.432 resources_xh.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            34.280 resources_zh_CN.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            35.032 resources_zh_TW.properties
28-01-2024  19:44            26.064 resources_zu.properties
             120 File(s)      5.527.414 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  429.161.762.816 bytes free
Comment 64 Stephan Bergmann 2024-03-18 07:37:51 UTC
@Maverik:  What is the exact LO version that you have installed (and which fails to auto-update)?  And is it 32-bit x86 or 64-bit x86-64?
Comment 65 Maverick 2024-03-18 15:01:23 UTC
(In reply to Stephan Bergmann from comment #64)
> @Maverik:  What is the exact LO version that you have installed (and which
> fails to auto-update)?  And is it 32-bit x86 or 64-bit x86-64?

Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community.

I'm not sure if i downloaded it directly from libreoffice.org/download or from dev-builds.libreoffice.org. If it was the latter, i suppose it was either an RC or final...

If you prefer, i can try a different v24.2.0.3 to be sure (in this case, please provide a link to the correct one)
Comment 66 Maverick 2024-03-18 15:48:45 UTC
@Bergmann some update:

I've uninstalled libreoffice and removed everything i could find regarding it in user/appdata and in programs' folders. Then i downloaded from


installed and retried the update but ended up with the same result. It does not update to 24.2.1 (not even if i run it as admin).
Comment 67 Stephan Bergmann 2024-03-19 10:59:30 UTC
Indeed, while a 32-bit LibreOffice_24.2.0.3_Win_x86 installation downloads a 14991064-byte update.mar file that I've seen working fine, a 64-bit LibreOffice_24.2.0.3_Win_x86_64 installation downloads a 15730646-byte update.mar file that is apparently broken:  Already for the first to-be-patched file it wants to process (i.e., share/wizards/resources_ug.properties), it complains that "destination file size 80585 does not match expected size 78930" (see comment 61).

@cloph:  Did anything go wrong generating that mar file?
Comment 68 Maverick 2024-03-21 15:58:00 UTC
@Bergmann let me ask two questions:

1. when 24.2.2 get's out, since a new mar file gets generated, will this get "automatically" fixed?

2. when 24.8.0 get's out will the update lead you to 24.2.6, 24.2.7 and so on, or will it go strait from 24.2.5 -> 24.8.0?
(really hope the road is 24.2.5 -> 24.8.0. Makes a lot more sense to me.)
Comment 69 Christian Lohmaier 2024-03-26 12:30:35 UTC
Nothing wrong with the update packages themselves, but with the server layout/the mapping of buildIDs to the actual updates, should be fixed now.
Comment 70 Stephan Bergmann 2024-03-26 14:14:14 UTC
(In reply to Christian Lohmaier from comment #69)
> Nothing wrong with the update packages themselves, but with the server
> layout/the mapping of buildIDs to the actual updates, should be fixed now.

yes, thanks, fixed; seen a LibreOffice_24.2.0.3_Win_x86_64 installation automatically upgrade all the way to the latest LO now
Comment 71 Stephan Bergmann 2024-03-26 14:20:54 UTC
(In reply to Maverick from comment #68)
> 1. when 24.2.2 get's out, since a new mar file gets generated, will this get
> "automatically" fixed?

should fix itself automatically now for you, see previous comments

> 2. when 24.8.0 get's out will the update lead you to 24.2.6, 24.2.7 and so
> on, or will it go strait from 24.2.5 -> 24.8.0?
> (really hope the road is 24.2.5 -> 24.8.0. Makes a lot more sense to me.)

that depends on what mar files TDF infra provides; but even if there are only individual "single step" updates 24.2.5 -> 24.2.6 -> 24.2.7 -> 24.8.0 available instead of a "big step" 24.2.5 -> 24.8.0, the single step updates would all be downloaded and applied automatically in succession, so that the end result should be the same
Comment 72 Maverick 2024-03-26 15:40:48 UTC
(In reply to Stephan Bergmann from comment #70)
> (In reply to Christian Lohmaier from comment #69)
> > Nothing wrong with the update packages themselves, but with the server
> > layout/the mapping of buildIDs to the actual updates, should be fixed now.
> yes, thanks, fixed; seen a LibreOffice_24.2.0.3_Win_x86_64 installation
> automatically upgrade all the way to the latest LO now

I can confirm that some of the machines around here did perform the upgrade.

There are a few different situations (probably are a local problem):

a) A laptop performed the upgrade directly from -> (as expected).

b) Other desktops (about an hour later) performed the upgrade only from -> They do detect there is, but they don't upgrade to it.

c) A few of them, however, have not performed any upgrade at all (they do detect the update). Apparently this can be fixed by removing and cleaning the machine from any previous LO install. I installed version and they do upgrade to, but not to, like in b)

Unfortunately i have no time, ATM, to investigate or test this situations more into detail.
Comment 73 Maverick 2024-03-26 15:42:08 UTC
(In reply to Stephan Bergmann from comment #71)

> should fix itself automatically now for you, see previous comments

OK, nice! Thank you.

> that depends on what mar files TDF infra provides; but even if there are
> only individual "single step" updates 24.2.5 -> 24.2.6 -> 24.2.7 -> 24.8.0
> available instead of a "big step" 24.2.5 -> 24.8.0, the single step updates
> would all be downloaded and applied automatically in succession, so that the
> end result should be the same

OK, i can live with that :)
Comment 74 Maverick 2024-03-26 16:28:11 UTC
Created attachment 193325 [details]
Update available

> (In reply to Stephan Bergmann from comment #70)
> > (In reply to Christian Lohmaier from comment #69)

> b) Other desktops (about an hour later) performed the upgrade only from
> -> They do detect there is, but they don't
> upgrade to it.

Let me correct this: 

It upgrades from -> but then it say it has more updates. The update dialog says the newer upgrade to the installed version is 24.2.1 (and not as i mistakenly indicated - sorry about that!)

screenshot attached
Comment 75 Stephan Bergmann 2024-03-26 16:39:36 UTC
(In reply to Maverick from comment #74)
> It upgrades from -> but then it say it has more updates.
> The update dialog says the newer upgrade to the installed version
> is 24.2.1 (and not as i mistakenly indicated - sorry about that!)

You have both the traditional "Check for updates automatically" notifications and the new MAR-based "Enable automatic update" enabled?  Then the former will notify you about potential updates to version X at point Y in time, while the latter will automatically update to (a potentially different) version Z at (a potentially different) point W in time.  (Which can be confusing; the overall plan is to get rid of the former once the latter is no longer an experimental-only feature.)  To force the automatic MAR-based update to kick in as soon as you start LO, you can start LO with the LIBO_UPDATER_TEST_ENABLE environment variable set.
Comment 76 V Stuart Foote 2024-03-26 17:02:51 UTC
@Stephan, *

So rolled back my daily driver on Win10 following a full uninstall and registry cleanup to via msiexec.exe command line as admin, left out the localHelp installer.

Want to place this into Automatic Update via MAR mode and get some experience with it.  I've enabled experimental, and checked the boxes on the Tools -> Options -> Online Update (Check for updates automatically:Every day; Download updates automatically; and Send OS version and basic hardware information).

On relaunch I get the legacy notice (globe icon top right) of a "LibreOffice update available". Assume from comment 75 we can uncheck the check and the download?

But /me confused... How exactly should we proceed to change over to MAR updates? Did I miss a panel option somewhere? Experimental features enabled but can't locate "Enable automatic update" in UI. Is it an Expert Configuration stanza?
Comment 77 V Stuart Foote 2024-03-26 17:14:22 UTC
(In reply to V Stuart Foote from comment #76)

> But /me confused... How exactly should we proceed to change over to MAR
> updates? Did I miss a panel option somewhere? Experimental features enabled
> but can't locate "Enable automatic update" in UI. Is it an Expert
> Configuration stanza?

Never mind it was simple, just had to think about it:

C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program>.\soffice.exe -env:LIBO_UPDATER_TEST_ENABLE=1

Got a clean sequential MAR update -->
Comment 78 Maverick 2024-03-26 17:23:51 UTC
(In reply to Stephan Bergmann from comment #75)
> You have both the traditional "Check for updates automatically"
> notifications and the new MAR-based "Enable automatic update" enabled?

Yes, actually it was. 

Can one disable the "Check for updates automatically", and LO will still continue to get MAR updates (as long as the Enable Automatic Updates is checked)?

or to get the mar updates with the "Check for updates automatically" disabled one has to always set the environment variable you mentioned?
Comment 79 V Stuart Foote 2024-03-26 17:33:20 UTC
(In reply to V Stuart Foote from comment #77)

and to make it stick across soffice.exe launches, issued this from admin level command prompt.


to set the environment variable for the system.

Drop to /M to make it per-user
Comment 80 V Stuart Foote 2024-03-26 17:56:13 UTC
Created attachment 193329 [details]
Expert config Office.Update stanzas

Hmm, still confused:

With Experimental features enabled and "LIBO_UPDATER_TEST_ENABLE" set 1, opened Expert configuration to the Office.Update stanzas (attached).

Found the Update --> 'Enabled' Boolean set False

Edited it to True, but would not expect to need to. Although this was run from a non-privileged user account.

Waiting for the rc2 MAR to post and apply.
Comment 81 V Stuart Foote 2024-03-27 16:28:11 UTC
@Stephan, cloph

See that has built (2024-03-24) and MSI is available in pre-release, but not being offered that as MAR incremental on launch of a with Office.Update 'Enabled' and the "LIBO_UPDATER_TEST_ENABLE" env variable set. 

Was there something that needs to get triggered to build the MAR diff, or am I misconfigured somehow?
Comment 82 V Stuart Foote 2024-04-20 20:11:15 UTC
(In reply to V Stuart Foote from comment #81)
> @Stephan, cloph
> See that has built (2024-03-24) and MSI is available in
> pre-release, but not being offered that as MAR incremental on launch of a
> with Office.Update 'Enabled' and the "LIBO_UPDATER_TEST_ENABLE" env
> variable set. 
> Was there something that needs to get triggered to build the MAR diff, or am
> I misconfigured somehow?

Never got a MAR update of past initial

Cleaned off my MAR updated install. 

Then installed clean from the MSI package. 

Completed install and immediately ran from program directory

 .\soffice.exe -env:LIBO_UPDATER_TEST_ENABLE=1 as admin.

Received a MAR update of the new install, but again only to (bf759d8).

The final (d56cc15) as MAR is not being received.

At this point, with check for updates now offering the download as available, kind of seems the MAR diff build is not being generated?
Comment 83 Christian Lohmaier 2024-05-15 12:56:49 UTC
the mar creation is separate from creating the msi installation packages, and there's still some tweaking server side that's done, so while there's still in experimental mode in 24.2 some delays are expected/or rather you shouldn't expect immediate updates in general via mar updater.

Since there is no way to postpone or cancel an update once LO determines there is one/since there is no prompt to confirm, it rather will be enabled after regular downloads are made available.

That being said: Not having available was an oversight/a bad symlink on the server and should have been fixed in the meantime.
Comment 84 Maverick 2024-05-16 12:08:53 UTC
(In reply to Christian Lohmaier from comment #83)

> That being said: Not having available was an oversight/a bad
> symlink on the server and should have been fixed in the meantime.

I can confirm that arrived last night 
(and brought a bug with it: can't open remote files!!! Luckily 24.2.3 is available for manual download and fixes it)
Comment 85 Maverick 2024-06-04 14:11:51 UTC
Is 24.2.3 already available in mar???

(would be nice to have an ftp address or something we can check to know when it's released...)

I am yet to receive it and 24.2.4 is right around the corner already...
Comment 86 Commit Notification 2024-08-26 14:12:23 UTC
Thorsten Behrens committed a patch related to this issue.
It has been pushed to "master":


related tdf#68274: switch on MAR-based auto-updater by default

It will be available in 25.2.0.

The patch should be included in the daily builds available at
https://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/ in the next 24-48 hours. More
information about daily builds can be found at:

Affected users are encouraged to test the fix and report feedback.
Comment 87 Sierk Bornemann 2024-08-26 14:31:08 UTC
(In reply to Commit Notification from comment #86)
> Thorsten Behrens committed a patch related to this issue.
> It has been pushed to "master":
> https://git.libreoffice.org/core/commit/
> 42f677c5f67a23e0cfb4fcc664efce078718489d
> related tdf#68274: switch on MAR-based auto-updater by default
> It will be available in 25.2.0.
> The patch should be included in the daily builds available at
> https://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/ in the next 24-48 hours. More
> information about daily builds can be found at:
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Testing_Daily_Builds
> Affected users are encouraged to test the fix and report feedback.

Thanks a lot, Thorsten!
But: reading your commit, I read "Currently only works for Windows and Linux."

Question: What about this functionality for macOS, why is it excluded (what lacks?) and does it apply currently/for now and come at a later date, or does it apply permanently?
Comment 88 Commit Notification 2024-08-26 15:21:36 UTC
Thorsten Behrens committed a patch related to this issue.
It has been pushed to "libreoffice-24-8":


related tdf#68274: switch on MAR-based auto-updater by default

It will be available in 24.8.2.

The patch should be included in the daily builds available at
https://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/ in the next 24-48 hours. More
information about daily builds can be found at:

Affected users are encouraged to test the fix and report feedback.
Comment 89 Thorsten Behrens (allotropia) 2024-08-26 20:59:45 UTC
(In reply to Sierk Bornemann from comment #87)
> Question: What about this functionality for macOS, why is it excluded (what
> lacks?) and does it apply currently/for now and come at a later date, or
> does it apply permanently?

macOS is currently not implemented. that's a significant chunk of real engineering work needed there, and TDF had previously decided to tender that work (https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2021/08/03/tender-to-implement-autoupdater-202108-01/). I don't have current information, on whether that is still planned to go ahead at some later stage.
Comment 90 Sierk Bornemann 2024-08-26 21:16:13 UTC
(In reply to Thorsten Behrens (allotropia) from comment #89)
> (In reply to Sierk Bornemann from comment #87)
> > Question: What about this functionality for macOS, why is it excluded (what
> > lacks?) and does it apply currently/for now and come at a later date, or
> > does it apply permanently?
> >
> macOS is currently not implemented. that's a significant chunk of real
> engineering work needed there, and TDF had previously decided to tender that
> work
> (https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2021/08/03/tender-to-implement-
> autoupdater-202108-01/). I don't have current information, on whether that
> is still planned to go ahead at some later stage.

Thanks for the clarification.
Do you know of who has more information and can say more about that concerning implementing, timeframe and who could or will be doing it relating macOS?
Comment 91 V Stuart Foote 2024-08-26 21:37:03 UTC
@Patrick, pls see Markus M.'s comment 43 regards macOS, and then its a big project but do you have any cycles/interest to dive in here? Maybe even so far as to take up the TDF tender if it were appealing... safe to say some implementation of Mozilla MAR is going to be needed for macOS going forward.

And, seems like there would be at least some support from the community if you get stuck. With Stephan, Thorsten and the TDF infra team actively bringing MAR updating on line for Linux and Windows.
Comment 92 Patrick (volunteer) 2024-08-27 01:53:48 UTC
(In reply to V Stuart Foote from comment #91)
> @Patrick, pls see Markus M.'s comment 43 regards macOS, and then its a big
> project but do you have any cycles/interest to dive in here? Maybe even so
> far as to take up the TDF tender if it were appealing... safe to say some
> implementation of Mozilla MAR is going to be needed for macOS going forward.
> And, seems like there would be at least some support from the community if
> you get stuck. With Stephan, Thorsten and the TDF infra team actively
> bringing MAR updating on line for Linux and Windows.

So let me get this straight. Everyone decided that MAR was the thing to implement and only after you all implemented this on your favorite platform, you hit me up to fund the macOS port of your scheme.

I have no interest in this. I am perfectly fine pulling down a .dmg every six weeks. Also, it's no secret that the people you are offering to help (did you actually ask them or just volunteer other people's labor?) are Allotropia employees. No problem with that, but maybe they aren't doing it because it is fun, but because someone funded their work.

My income doesn't come from LibreOffice so my contributions are merely a hobby and I have zero time or interest in this project. If macOS users think this is a critical feature, they can figure out how to fund it.
Comment 93 V Stuart Foote 2024-08-27 03:06:15 UTC
(In reply to Patrick (volunteer) from comment #92)
> So let me get this straight. Everyone decided that MAR was the thing to
> implement and only after you all implemented this on your favorite platform,
> you hit me up to fund the macOS port of your scheme.

Fund? No. Just contribute if you chose to and had the time.

> I have no interest in this. I am perfectly fine pulling down a .dmg every
> six weeks. Also, it's no secret that the people you are offering to help
> (did you actually ask them or just volunteer other people's labor?) are
> Allotropia employees. No problem with that, but maybe they aren't doing it
> because it is fun, but because someone funded their work.

Nope, was just asking one "volunteer" to another. A simple "no thanks, no cycles" would have sufficed.  Nothing to ask--the rest of the community would be happy to lend a hand should it be needed. Beauty of gerrit collaboration, we see all the code coming in--nothing to ask, just comment if you need a hand/2nd opinion.

> My income doesn't come from LibreOffice so my contributions are merely a
> hobby and I have zero time or interest in this project. 

Understood, we're glad it is a hobby for you and that you keep on with it. Clearly you've done great things for the project on the macOS front. No pressure here to take up incremental updates and installer issues.

> If macOS users think
> this is a critical feature, they can figure out how to fund it.

Its already tendered by TDF. But contributed commits by volunteers are always welcome.
Comment 94 Sierk Bornemann 2024-08-27 06:40:56 UTC
Why is this bug marked as "resolved and fixed", while it can be said only for the Windows platform and Linux platform but not yet also for the macOS platform?
Comment 95 steve 2024-08-27 11:31:44 UTC
macOS MAR enhancement request is https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=162647

PS: It's slightly funny to see my feature request from 2013 which I filed against macOS, set to ALL OSs. Then Linux and Windows get the feature and the bug is closed as fixed :D
Comment 96 Sierk Bornemann 2024-08-27 12:05:31 UTC
(In reply to steve from comment #95)
> macOS MAR enhancement request is
> https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=162647
> PS: It's slightly funny to see my feature request from 2013 which I filed
> against macOS, set to ALL OSs. Then Linux and Windows get the feature and
> the bug is closed as fixed :D

From the said blog entry https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2021/08/03/tender-to-implement-autoupdater-202108-01/ :

Mandatory requirements

•    The solution has to work on all currently LibreOffice-supported Windows, Linux and macOS versions.

This very 1st mandatory requirement _includes_ macOS, not excludes it!

As I understand the blog post, it shouldn't be actually necessary to file a new relating macOS-only bug, because Bug #68274 already cathes it with "Hardware/OS: ALL ALL" – so macOS included. To exclude macOS and simply close #68274 seems to me prematurely, the work is only half done, the bug only partially fixed in my point of view. Bug #68274 should be reopend and stay open, until the issue is resolved and fixed for ALL supported platforms and so also for the macOS platform (and so be in line with the very first one of the published mandatory requirements).
Comment 97 Xisco Faulí 2024-08-27 12:14:49 UTC
Since this issue is already 96 comments long. Let's keep it as RESOLVED FIXED and follow the conversation for Mac support in bug 162647
Comment 98 Commit Notification 2024-08-27 13:30:02 UTC
Thorsten Behrens committed a patch related to this issue.
It has been pushed to "libreoffice-24-8-1":


related tdf#68274: switch on MAR-based auto-updater by default

It will be available in 24.8.1.

The patch should be included in the daily builds available at
https://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/ in the next 24-48 hours. More
information about daily builds can be found at:

Affected users are encouraged to test the fix and report feedback.
Comment 99 Maverick 2024-08-27 19:26:19 UTC
Funny enough that i'm still stick in 24.2.4.
In the meanwhile 24.2.5 has come and i didn't get any update. 
Then came 24.8 and i didn't get any update either.

Is this actually working???
Or is there anything i'm doing wrong?
Why doesn't this update???
Comment 100 John Mills 2024-10-25 11:33:40 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 101 John Mills 2024-10-25 11:41:00 UTC
Created attachment 197231 [details]
Error message when attempting to auto update LibreOffice 24.8.1
Comment 102 John Mills 2024-10-25 11:45:40 UTC
Hello everyone,

The automatic update has never worked for me on Windows 11. I have attempted to update now for over two weeks. Is this feature actually switched on for users to update with? If it isn't when will it be available?

Cheers all,

Comment 103 V Stuart Foote 2024-10-25 13:15:43 UTC
(In reply to John Mills from comment #102)
> The automatic update has never worked for me on Windows 11. I have attempted
> to update now for over two weeks. Is this feature actually switched on for
> users to update with? If it isn't when will it be available?

The "Check for Updates" showing available is the legacy update method--it does not interact with the MAR updating. MAR is a separate config, done from Tools -> Options -> Online Update 'Enable automatic update' check box.

See bug 162648 -- currently you can install base release for or and they will MAR update. and respective. But seems the incremental MAR update packages are *not yet* being routinely built.

You can see that if you look at the "Update check" and "Download" stanzas in LO user profile Updates/updating.log on an install with MAR updating enabled.

That lack of MAR packaging is a TDF infra and release engineering issue.

@Cloph, any comment to be made?
Comment 104 Stephan Bergmann 2024-10-25 13:19:07 UTC
(In reply to John Mills from comment #101)
> Created attachment 197231 [details]
> Error message when attempting to auto update LibreOffice 24.8.1

That "Check for Updates" dialog stating "The automatic download of the update is currently not available" is presumably the result of doing "Tools - Options... - LibreOffice - Online Update - Online Update Options - Check Now"?  Note that the "Online Update" options page has, somewhat confusingly, two sections, controlling two different update modes.

All of the top-most three "Online Update Options", "Download Destination" and "User Agent" sections are about the "classic" mode which can announce newly available versions to the user, can potentially also optionally download updates, but would never automatically install them.  This is the mode for which you apparently hit the "Check Now" button, but which has nothing to do with the topic of this bugzilla issue here.

Only the bottom-most "Automatic Update" section is about the new "MAR" mode which fully-automatically downloads and installs updates (and which is the topic of this bugzilla issue here).

Arguably, Windows LO builds from TDF should be using `--disable-online-update` (to completely turn off the "classic" update mode, and remove the top-most three sections from the "Online Update" options page) now that they are using `--enable-online-update-mar` and now that <https://git.libreoffice.org/core/+/42f677c5f67a23e0cfb4fcc664efce078718489d%5E%21> "related tdf#68274: switch on MAR-based auto-updater by default" has been merged.
Comment 105 Alice Magnet 2024-11-06 09:39:53 UTC Comment hidden (spam)
Comment 106 Buovjaga 2024-11-06 09:44:10 UTC
Due to spam, I am closing this. Warning: commenting in a closed report with links will automatically get your account banned.