Bug 69254 - Mac: Handling of fonts with more than 4 styles (R/B/I/BI) is suboptimal
Summary: Mac: Handling of fonts with more than 4 styles (R/B/I/BI) is suboptimal
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: graphics stack (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: Other macOS (All)
: highest major
Assignee: Not Assigned
Whiteboard: BSA target:6.1.0 target:6.0.0
Keywords: notBibisectable, regression
Depends on:
Blocks: Font-List
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2013-09-12 08:11 UTC by Carlo Bertelli
Modified: 2023-02-24 17:19 UTC (History)
33 users (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:

LO 4.2.4 Windows, original document (54.39 KB, image/png)
2014-06-07 07:59 UTC, Thomas Linard
LO 4.3.0 beta 1 Mac OS X, original Windows document opened with Mac version (137.06 KB, image/png)
2014-06-07 08:00 UTC, Thomas Linard
Font Book with Fira Sans Medium (115.17 KB, image/png)
2016-06-11 08:19 UTC, b4stien
LibreOffice without Fira Sans Medium (172.28 KB, image/png)
2016-06-11 08:19 UTC, b4stien
With https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/48409/ (92.99 KB, image/png)
2018-01-23 13:10 UTC, How can I remove my account?
Font recogniction in LibreOffice Writer (510.43 KB, image/png)
2019-12-07 14:50 UTC, Tobias Hemm
Font recognition in LibreOffice (locale USA and Germany) and Scribus (347.16 KB, image/png)
2019-12-08 22:56 UTC, Tobias Hemm

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Carlo Bertelli 2013-09-12 08:11:03 UTC
Problem description: 
We have a corporate font which is behaving perfecly elsewhere, but fails to recognize regular (and bold), detecting only italic and bold-italic styles.

Steps to reproduce:
Try to define a style.

Current behavior:
Shows only italic and bold-italic

Expected behavior:
Detect or at least accept "Normal" or "Regular".
Operating System: Mac OS X
Version: release
Comment 1 Jean-Baptiste Faure 2013-11-16 17:03:45 UTC
Which font it is? Without this information it is not possible to investigate.
How work other fonts ?

Best regards. JBF
Comment 2 QA Administrators 2014-06-01 21:30:34 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 3 Alex Thurgood 2014-06-06 22:40:19 UTC
*** Bug 67744 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Alex Thurgood 2014-06-06 22:40:53 UTC
*** Bug 69881 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 Alex Thurgood 2014-06-06 22:42:48 UTC
*** Bug 68889 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Alex Thurgood 2014-06-06 22:43:28 UTC
*** Bug 71034 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Alex Thurgood 2014-06-06 22:47:33 UTC
Setting to regression as this affects existing documents that previously displayed normally
Comment 8 Alex Thurgood 2014-06-06 22:49:31 UTC
LO 4.0.x displays font weights correctly
Comment 9 Thomas Linard 2014-06-07 07:59:15 UTC
Created attachment 100588 [details]
LO 4.2.4 Windows, original document
Comment 10 Thomas Linard 2014-06-07 08:00:27 UTC
Created attachment 100589 [details]
LO 4.3.0 beta 1 Mac OS X, original Windows document opened with Mac version
Comment 11 Alex Thurgood 2014-06-07 09:51:27 UTC
*** Bug 79726 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 12 Alex Thurgood 2014-06-07 09:56:53 UTC
Don't know which developer might be knowledgable in this area, font support on OSX using Apple's new API is afaik incomplete / not fully implemented.
Comment 13 Alex Thurgood 2015-04-03 15:09:21 UTC
*** Bug 71034 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 14 Milan Bouchet-Valat 2015-04-03 15:25:46 UTC
Alex: Since you marked all the bug reports as duplicates of this one, maybe you could give more details about what's common to them. Currently, this report is much less detailed than the duplicates, and the font needed to reproduce is not easily available. Bug 71034 for example contains many more technical details and provides a reproducer with free/standard fonts.
Comment 15 Alex Thurgood 2015-04-03 15:59:32 UTC
*** Bug 89242 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 16 Alex Thurgood 2015-04-03 16:10:40 UTC
(In reply to Milan Bouchet-Valat from comment #14)
> Alex: Since you marked all the bug reports as duplicates of this one, maybe
> you could give more details about what's common to them. Currently, this
> report is much less detailed than the duplicates, and the font needed to
> reproduce is not easily available. Bug 71034 for example contains many more
> technical details and provides a reproducer with free/standard fonts.

Not being a developer, I could well be wrong, but it seems to me that the common issue here is incorrect weighting of a fairly large number of font families that occurred somewhere between 4.0 and 4.1 release, particularly with bold weights.

All I know is that this issue has been with us on Mac since the transition between 4.0 and 4.1 and has had no takers thus far from any dev. If others deem it appropriate to reset the main bug to another one, then who am I to argue.
Comment 17 Adolfo Jayme Barrientos 2015-04-29 16:30:29 UTC Comment hidden (off-topic)
Comment 18 Alex Thurgood 2015-04-29 21:30:20 UTC Comment hidden (off-topic)
Comment 19 b4stien 2016-06-11 08:19:01 UTC
Created attachment 125599 [details]
Font Book with Fira Sans Medium
Comment 20 b4stien 2016-06-11 08:19:30 UTC
Created attachment 125600 [details]
LibreOffice without Fira Sans Medium
Comment 21 b4stien 2016-06-11 08:20:18 UTC
This bug is still affecting versions and

Attached are screenshots of "Font Book" and LibreOffice where you can see that the "Medium" variant of "Fira Sans" is missing in LibreOffice (although working everywhere else). "Fira Sans" is a free font from Google, you can download it to reproduce there: https://www.google.com/fonts#UsePlace:use/Collection:Fira+Sans.
Comment 22 Alex Thurgood 2016-09-06 09:46:30 UTC
*** Bug 101905 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 23 Xisco Faulí 2016-09-13 08:29:27 UTC
Adding keyword 'bibisectRequest'.
This regression can be bibisected with http://dev-downloads.libreoffice.org/bibisect/mac/Bibisect_MacOSX10.6%2b_lo-4.1_to_lo-4.2.tar.bz2
Comment 24 Alex Thurgood 2017-07-28 08:02:44 UTC
With the move to harfbuzz and the recent coretext changes made in 5.3, shouldn't we be asking people to retest with current production release and reporting back ?
Comment 25 Thomas Linard 2017-07-28 13:05:25 UTC
Duplicate of Bug 35538.

Still valid for 5.3.4.
Comment 26 bintoro 2017-07-28 16:10:45 UTC
The freely available Overpass typeface from Red Hat has enough weights (8 plus italics) to clearly demonstrate the problem.


What happens with typefaces like this is that some of the weights will fail to show up in the font selector in LO. And of those that do show up, some will randomly produce the wrong weight. Testing just now, I'm missing "Extra Light" and "Heavy" entirely. "Thin" and "Light" both produce the the same weight.

As another example, I have the commercial typeface Akagi in a five-weight configuration. The heaviest one (Ultra) will not show up in LO. Using the second-heaviest (Extra Bold) actually produces Ultra instead. Disabling Ultra in Font Book makes Extra Bold work correctly.
Comment 27 Thomas Linard 2018-01-05 09:55:37 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 35538 ***
Comment 28 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-22 14:39:09 UTC
Re: comment #26, but where would different styles of a typeface show up in LibreOffice?  Doesn't LibreOffice only have a selector for typeface "family", and then one can only modulate that using the Bold and Italic buttons? You don't see separate entries in the selector for "Liberation Serif Regular", "Liberation Serif Bold", etc either.

But yeah, I guess there could be some logic to add more entries when a typeface family has more than four variants, or something. Not sure why that would be a Mac-spefici feature, though? And anyway, bug #35538, that this bug now is marked as duplicate of, is cross-platform, not Mac-specific.
Comment 29 bintoro 2018-01-23 11:21:05 UTC
(In reply to Tor Lillqvist from comment #28)
> Re: comment #26, but where would different styles of a typeface show up in
> LibreOffice?  Doesn't LibreOffice only have a selector for typeface
> "family", and then one can only modulate that using the Bold and Italic
> buttons? You don't see separate entries in the selector for "Liberation
> Serif Regular", "Liberation Serif Bold", etc either.

There's both a family selector and a typeface selector: https://i.imgur.com/tPNJjea.png

The Bold and Italic buttons are merely shortcuts for certain styles, but a font can contain many more styles or weights than just two.
Comment 30 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-23 11:30:08 UTC
Ooh, I didn't know/remember that, interesting. IMHO the style selector should ideally be visible in the toolbar, too, if (as it seems) it is more and more common that typefaces have more styles than just the boring R/B/I/BI. Wonder if there is an enhancement request for that already.
Comment 31 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-23 11:40:59 UTC
(Side remark: I only now notice that LO on the Mac indeed calls a style of a typeface a "typeface" (and not "style") in that Character dialog. How odd. But indeed that terminology seems to what is normal on the Mac, it's what Pages uses, too. Sad. Probably some random accidental wrong choice of terminology made 30 years ago that has stayed with us...)
Comment 32 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-23 11:52:02 UTC
Anyway, for me all the styles of the Overpass typeface do show up in the Character:Font dialog? And I am able to choose for instance the Thin Italic style. 

It also saves that to .odt, and reloads it correctly.

But when roundtripping through .doc or .docx, the "Overpass Thin Italic" indeed turns into plain Overpass Italic. 

So is that the actual problem then, that only the four traditional styles of a typeface can be saved to / loaded from the .doc or .docx formats? 

It probably would be a good enhancement request to want the full style selector (or "typeface selector", if one insists on using the Mac terminology) to be part of the normal toolbar.
Comment 33 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-23 12:00:04 UTC
Also, interoperability of those additional styles in .odt documents is broken with Word 2013, at least.
Comment 34 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-23 12:01:35 UTC
But in general, my advice would naturally be that if one wants as good roundtrippability, interoperability, and cross-platformness as possible, one should stick to the traditional four styles of well-known fonts available either as such, or as metrics-compatible equivalents, on all platforms.
Comment 35 bintoro 2018-01-23 12:03:02 UTC
> Anyway, for me all the styles of the Overpass typeface do show up in the
> Character:Font dialog? And I am able to choose for instance the Thin Italic
> style. 

Right, they show up in the list, but go ahead and compare Light with Thin, or Light Italic with Thin Italic. It's using the same font for both! It's as if there's a limit to the number of styles that LO can actually use at once.

If you disable (via Font Book) the style that appears in place of another style, the previously unavailable style becomes available. So it's not a case of LO failing to understand some styles at all; they just can't be displayed simultaneously for some reason.
Comment 36 Thomas Linard 2018-01-23 12:10:19 UTC
(In reply to Tor Lillqvist from comment #32)
> It also saves that to .odt, and reloads it correctly.

Yes, but open it in LibreOffice Windows (with the same typeface installed, of course).

Or, on Windows, choose "Calibri Light" (for example), and open it on macOS.
Comment 37 Thomas Linard 2018-01-23 12:13:02 UTC
(In reply to Tor Lillqvist from comment #33)
> Also, interoperability of those additional styles in .odt documents is
> broken with Word 2013, at least.

According to https://glyphsapp.com/tutorials/naming

"Microsoft Word [2016 ?] currently focuses on Family Name and Style Name, or the WWSFamilyName and WWSSubfamilyName, if present. WWS stands for Weight, Width and Slope."
Comment 38 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-23 12:17:20 UTC
To ikjt in comment #35:

Ah yes, now I see what you mean. This is presumably caused by the fact that all three of Overpass:Thin, Overpass:Light, and Overpass:ExtraLight have the same weight, and probably that is what LO stores internally when enumerating the fonts, not the style name as a string. So which one LO actually gets when it asks for Overpass in weight 3 is probably then arbitrary. See here some debugging output from yesterday:

instdir/LibreOfficeDev.app/Contents/MacOS/soffice 2>&1 | grep 'Overpass:'
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: Heavy Italic 9 140392521171392
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: Heavy 9 140392521029872
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: Light Italic 3 140392521251056
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: ExtraBold 9 140392520801456
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: SemiBold 7 140392521357216
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: SemiBold Italic 7 140392520805120
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: Light 3 140392521268800
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: ExtraLight 3 140392521388656
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: Thin 3 140392521150848
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: Bold 8 140392521276736
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: Italic 5 140392521291920
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: ExtraBold Italic 9 140392521301488
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: ExtraLight Italic 3 140392521095824
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: Regular 5 140392521141872
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: Thin Italic 3 140392521407216
debug:63911:23372987: ===> AddFont: Overpass: Bold Italic 8 140392521368992

where you see the family name, style, weight, and an internal ID (a pointer value).
Comment 39 bintoro 2018-01-23 12:23:41 UTC
(In reply to Tor Lillqvist from comment #38)
> Ah yes, now I see what you mean. This is presumably caused by the fact that
> all three of Overpass:Thin, Overpass:Light, and Overpass:ExtraLight have the
> same weight, and probably that is what LO stores internally when enumerating
> the fonts, not the style name as a string.

Yeah, I suspected something like this might be happening. But where is LO pulling the weight number from? Does it simply make it up? I can't imagine all these fonts containing some kind of weight attribute that is not unique within the family.
Comment 40 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-23 12:46:12 UTC
To ikjt in comment #39:

It seems that what CoreText actually gives us is a floating point number between -1.0 and 1.0, with 0 being the "normal" weight. See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coretext/kctfontweighttrait

That is then turned into LO's FontWeight enumeration (in include/tools/fontenum.hxx, which does have a relatively nice collection of named weights:


(This enumeration is the weight I mentioned in comment #38, 3 == WEIGHT_LIGHT.)

Some debugging output:

> debug:33677:25401597: ===> Overpass: Light: w=-0.4
> debug:33677:25401597: ===> Overpass: ExtraLight: w=-0.5
> debug:33677:25401597: ===> Overpass: Thin: w=-0.5
> debug:33677:25401597: ===> Overpass: Regular: w=0

So Light should be distinguishable from ExtraLight or Thin, but ExtraLight has the same weight as Thin, so distinguishing between those would be harder.
Comment 41 bintoro 2018-01-23 13:06:26 UTC
(In reply to Tor Lillqvist from comment #40)
> > debug:33677:25401597: ===> Overpass: Light: w=-0.4
> > debug:33677:25401597: ===> Overpass: ExtraLight: w=-0.5
> > debug:33677:25401597: ===> Overpass: Thin: w=-0.5
> > debug:33677:25401597: ===> Overpass: Regular: w=0

Interesting. So is this an Apple bug? Apple's own Pages handles Overpass (and other multi-style typefaces) just fine.

Perhaps the CoreText-supplied weight value should be used for ordering at most and use the actual font names to distinguish between variants.
Comment 42 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-23 13:10:39 UTC
Created attachment 139292 [details]
With https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/48409/

As can be seen, with this patch Light is different from ExtraLight, but Thin still turns up the same as ExtraLight (as expected, as their weight is identical).
Comment 43 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-23 13:13:16 UTC
To comment #41:

Sure, there are lots of things that could be done. This particular fix above was very small and easy. (But still took almost one work-day to investigate and figure out.) There are not really much resources available for a more thorough re-work.
Comment 44 bintoro 2018-01-23 13:17:41 UTC
(In reply to Tor Lillqvist from comment #43)
> To comment #41:
> Sure, there are lots of things that could be done. This particular fix above
> was very small and easy. (But still took almost one work-day to investigate
> and figure out.) There are not really much resources available for a more
> thorough re-work.

Well, even if we have to rely on the CoreText-supplied values for now, what's the point of doing proprietary arithmetics and guessing the intended weight, when the possible values and their interpretation is apparently well-defined?

Comment 45 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-23 13:34:09 UTC
Sure, but the weights of the Overpass styles do not correspond to the AppKit weights with the corresponding names:


2018-01-23 15:31:15.229169+0200 fontweights[34458:25564989] UltraLight: -0.800000
2018-01-23 15:31:15.229374+0200 fontweights[34458:25564989] Thin: -0.600000
2018-01-23 15:31:15.229383+0200 fontweights[34458:25564989] Light: -0.400000
2018-01-23 15:31:15.229390+0200 fontweights[34458:25564989] Regular: 0.000000
2018-01-23 15:31:15.229397+0200 fontweights[34458:25564989] Medum: 0.230000
2018-01-23 15:31:15.229403+0200 fontweights[34458:25564989] Semibold: 0.300000
2018-01-23 15:31:15.229410+0200 fontweights[34458:25564989] Bold: 0.400000
2018-01-23 15:31:15.229416+0200 fontweights[34458:25564989] Heavy: 0.560000
2018-01-23 15:31:15.229423+0200 fontweights[34458:25564989] Black: 0.620000
Overpass Thin has weight -0.5, but NSFontWeightThin is -0.6. Fun.
Comment 46 Aron Budea 2018-01-23 13:45:13 UTC
Let's keep this separate from bug 35538, it's more helpful if platform-specific discussions/fixes are separate, and don't get confused with each other.
Comment 47 bintoro 2018-01-23 13:50:19 UTC
Okay, I'm inclined to file a bug with Apple about CoreText returning the same weight value for two clearly distinct weights.

But... Even if CoreText returned unique weights, would this thing still work? Looking at the patch posted above, it looks like LO is shoehorning the weights into its own weight classification system (WEIGHT_NORMAL, WEIGHT_THIN, etc.) anyway. Does this also stand in the way of supporting fonts with a large number of weights?
Comment 48 Thomas Linard 2018-01-23 13:58:24 UTC
*** Bug 68889 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 49 Thomas Linard 2018-01-23 14:00:57 UTC
*** Bug 79726 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 50 Thomas Linard 2018-01-23 14:01:54 UTC
*** Bug 89242 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 51 Thomas Linard 2018-01-23 14:02:28 UTC
*** Bug 95816 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 52 Thomas Linard 2018-01-23 14:03:01 UTC
*** Bug 100835 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 53 Thomas Linard 2018-01-23 14:03:48 UTC
*** Bug 101905 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 54 Thomas Linard 2018-01-23 14:04:46 UTC
*** Bug 83006 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 55 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-23 14:07:54 UTC
One difference between Overpass ExtraLight and Overpass Thin that is visible in CoreText is the width, kCTFontWidthTrait:

debug:34633:25641404: ==> Overpass: ExtraLight width=0 -> 5
debug:34633:25641404: ==> Overpass: Thin width=-0.7 -> 1

and that is then mapped to different values of the LibreOffice enum FontWidth: Overpass Thin gets WIDTH_ULTRA_CONDENSED (the 1 above) and Overpass ExtraLight gets WIDTH_NORMAL  (the 0 above). But I don't see in the LibreOffice Character...:Font dialog a way to select the width of the font?

(Compared to how the Thin vs ExraLight styles actually look, I think it's an exaggeration from the font creators to give the Thin style the width value -0.7, as it is not really that much condensed, if at all?)
Comment 56 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-23 14:28:29 UTC
To comment #47:

Yes, seems so. If a typeface has more than 9 weights, those could not even in theory be distinguished by LO's FontWeight. (And in practice, it is likely that the mapping from the floating-point weights to the enum will cause overlaps anyway even for less than 9, as seen originally here where both -0.5 and -0.4 were mapped to the same WEIGHT_LIGHT).

This is not unique to the Mac backend, the LO code for Windows has:

static FontWeight ImplWeightToSal( int nWeight )
    if ( nWeight <= FW_THIN )
        return WEIGHT_THIN;
    else if ( nWeight <= FW_ULTRALIGHT )
        return WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT;
    else if ( nWeight <= FW_LIGHT )
        return WEIGHT_LIGHT;
    else if ( nWeight < FW_MEDIUM )
        return WEIGHT_NORMAL;
    else if ( nWeight == FW_MEDIUM )
        return WEIGHT_MEDIUM;
    else if ( nWeight <= FW_SEMIBOLD )
        return WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD;
    else if ( nWeight <= FW_BOLD )
        return WEIGHT_BOLD;
    else if ( nWeight <= FW_ULTRABOLD )
        return WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD;
        return WEIGHT_BLACK;
Comment 57 Commit Notification 2018-01-23 14:32:40 UTC
Tor Lillqvist committed a patch related to this issue.
It has been pushed to "master":


tdf#69254: Tweak mapping from CoreText weight to our FontWeight a bit

It will be available in 6.1.0.

The patch should be included in the daily builds available at
http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/ in the next 24-48 hours. More
information about daily builds can be found at:

Affected users are encouraged to test the fix and report feedback.
Comment 58 bintoro 2018-01-23 14:39:19 UTC
> (Compared to how the Thin vs ExraLight styles actually look, I think it's an
> exaggeration from the font creators to give the Thin style the width value
> -0.7, as it is not really that much condensed, if at all?)

Using https://opentype.js.org/font-inspector.html and looking at the "OS/2 and Windows Metrics table", I get the following values:

Overpass Light        weight 300, width 5
Overpass ExtraLight   weight 200, width 5
Overpass Thin         weight 100, width 5

But according to Apple's documentation, macOS does not use the OS/2 metrics table. So do the font files contain a second set of metadata somewhere that is wrong, or is CoreText making things up?

Also, I just noticed that, for me at least, the Extra Light weight is missing from the LO UI. To summarize, Light and Thin are listed but rendered identically, while Extra Light is missing completely.
Comment 59 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-23 14:54:10 UTC
> the Extra Light weight is missing from the LO UI

But is that with the patch above or not?

And yes, it does seem likely that CoreText is just making things up;) It's just software, presumably with layer upon layer of bugs and fixes and hacks and backward compatibility. Just like LibreOffice. Also, as the Overpass typeface that I have been using to test now was designed by Red Hat, it is likely that it is "tuned" to match typical FLOSS stacks, i.e. fontconfig, freetype, harfbuzz etc, and has not necessarily been tested that much by its designers on macOS. If that matters.
Comment 60 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-23 14:57:49 UTC
Some discussion in https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Jan/0076.html , and (linked from that) https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=931426
Comment 61 How can I remove my account? 2018-01-23 15:03:55 UTC
(But it is weird that in the Mozilla bug discussion they talk about the "appkit weight" or "apple weight" being a small integer between 2 and 9 (a bit like LO's FontWeight), not a floating-point number between -1.0 and 1.0. Maybe they actually mean some Mozilla-specific type with that?)
Comment 62 Commit Notification 2018-01-24 15:55:21 UTC
Tor Lillqvist committed a patch related to this issue.
It has been pushed to "libreoffice-6-0":


tdf#69254: Tweak mapping from CoreText weight to our FontWeight a bit

It will be available in 6.0.1.

The patch should be included in the daily builds available at
http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/ in the next 24-48 hours. More
information about daily builds can be found at:

Affected users are encouraged to test the fix and report feedback.
Comment 63 Commit Notification 2018-01-24 16:27:35 UTC
Tor Lillqvist committed a patch related to this issue.
It has been pushed to "libreoffice-6-0-0":


tdf#69254: Tweak mapping from CoreText weight to our FontWeight a bit

It will be available in 6.0.0.

The patch should be included in the daily builds available at
http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/ in the next 24-48 hours. More
information about daily builds can be found at:

Affected users are encouraged to test the fix and report feedback.
Comment 64 Thomas Linard 2018-01-24 16:49:29 UTC
*** Bug 98397 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 65 Thomas Linard 2018-01-31 15:31:01 UTC
Test report with LibreOffice 6.0, macOS 10.12.6

Open-source fonts installed (in OTF version each):

EB Garamond version 1.0 (10 styles)

Fira Sans version 4.2.3 (92 styles)

Overpass version 3.0.2 (16 styles)

All fonts are correctly viewed in Font Book, TextEdit and Apple Pages (version 6.3.1). Fira Sans is presented as 3 families: Fira Sans, Fira Sans Compressed, Fira Sans Condensed).

All fonts are (almost) correctly viewed in Microsoft Word 2016 for Mac (version 16.9.1). Fira Sans is presented as 5 families: Fira Sans, Fira Sans Eight, Fira Sans Four, Fira Sans Hair, Fira Sans Two. But: Fira Sans Condensed Book (and Italic) and Fira Sans Compressed Book (and Italic) are presented as Fira Sans Condensed 350 and Fira Sans Compressed 350. Fira Sans Book is presented as Fira Sans Book.

In LibreOffice 6.0.0:

EB Garamond: 4 styles are missing.
Medium Italic
SemiBold Italic

Fira Sans is presented as 3 families: Fira Sans, Fira Sans Compressed, Fira Sans Condensed.

Fira Sans: 16 styles are missing.
Four Italic
Hair Italic
Heavy Italic
Medium Italic
SemiBold Italic
Two Italic
Ultra Italic
Ultra Light
Ultra Light Italic

Fira Sans Compressed: 16 styles are missing.
Same as Fira Sans (except Ultra styles, unique to Fira Sans) + Fira Sans Compressed Thin (and Italic)

Fira Sans Condensed: 14 styles are missing.
Same as Fira Sans (except Ultra styles, unique to Fira Sans)

Overpass: 2 styles are missing
Overpass Heavy
Overpass Heavy Italic

So, it seems that LibreOffice 6.0.0 on macOS effectively handles italics and stretches, but fails on some weights, in both extremes of the spectrum and in the middle.
Comment 67 Thomas Linard 2018-03-07 17:35:05 UTC
(In reply to Thomas Linard from comment #65)
> Test report with LibreOffice 6.0, macOS 10.12.6
> Open-source fonts installed (in OTF version each):
> EB Garamond version 1.0 (10 styles)
> https://github.com/octaviopardo/EBGaramond12
> Fira Sans version 4.2.3 (92 styles)
> https://carrois.com/typefaces/FiraSans/
> Overpass version 3.0.2 (16 styles)
> http://overpassfont.org/
> All fonts are correctly viewed in Font Book, TextEdit and Apple Pages
> (version 6.3.1). Fira Sans is presented as 3 families: Fira Sans, Fira Sans
> Compressed, Fira Sans Condensed).
> All fonts are (almost) correctly viewed in Microsoft Word 2016 for Mac
> (version 16.9.1). Fira Sans is presented as 5 families: Fira Sans, Fira Sans
> Eight, Fira Sans Four, Fira Sans Hair, Fira Sans Two. But: Fira Sans
> Condensed Book (and Italic) and Fira Sans Compressed Book (and Italic) are
> presented as Fira Sans Condensed 350 and Fira Sans Compressed 350. Fira Sans
> Book is presented as Fira Sans Book.
> In LibreOffice 6.0.0:
> EB Garamond: 4 styles are missing.
> Medium
> Medium Italic
> SemiBold
> SemiBold Italic
> Fira Sans is presented as 3 families: Fira Sans, Fira Sans Compressed, Fira
> Sans Condensed.
> Fira Sans: 16 styles are missing.
> Four
> Four Italic
> Hair
> Hair Italic
> Heavy
> Heavy Italic
> Medium
> Medium Italic
> SemiBold
> SemiBold Italic
> Two
> Two Italic
> Ultra 
> Ultra Italic
> Ultra Light
> Ultra Light Italic
> Fira Sans Compressed: 16 styles are missing.
> Same as Fira Sans (except Ultra styles, unique to Fira Sans) + Fira Sans
> Compressed Thin (and Italic)
> Fira Sans Condensed: 14 styles are missing.
> Same as Fira Sans (except Ultra styles, unique to Fira Sans)
> Overpass: 2 styles are missing
> Overpass Heavy
> Overpass Heavy Italic
> So, it seems that LibreOffice 6.0.0 on macOS effectively handles italics and
> stretches, but fails on some weights, in both extremes of the spectrum and
> in the middle.

The same test (almost: LibreOffice 6.0.2, Fira Sans 4.3 https://bboxtype.com/typefaces/FiraSans/ ) on Linux gives very similar results. See bug 98596.
Comment 68 LibreTraining 2018-05-01 23:56:10 UTC
From the link above

static const PangoCTWeight ct_weight_map[] = {
    { ct_weight_min, PANGO_WEIGHT_THIN },
    { -0.23, PANGO_WEIGHT_LIGHT },
    {  0.00, PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL },
    {  0.2, PANGO_WEIGHT_MEDIUM },
    {  0.4, PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD },
    {  ct_weight_max, PANGO_WEIGHT_HEAVY }

So this "coretext" is stuffing all fonts into one of these 10 weights.

And as mentioned above, coretext is assigning different weights the same weight.
This causes multiple fonts to be assigned the same weight, causes conflicts, and display errors.

Fira Sans has 16 visual weights.
These are the weights designated in the font files.

Fira Sans Two         (100)
Fira Sans Four        (100)
Fira Sans Eight       (100)  
Fira Sans Hair        (100)  
Fira Sans Thin        (100)  
Fira Sans UltraLight  (200)
Fira Sans ExtraLight  (200) 
Fira Sans Light       (300) 
Fira Sans Book        (350) 
Fira Sans Regular     (400) 
Fira Sans Medium      (500) 
Fira Sans SemiBold    (600)  
Fira Sans Bold        (700) 
Fira Sans ExtraBold   (800)  
Fira Sans Heavy       (900) 
Fira Sans Ultra       (950)  

There is no way coretext can stuff all 16 of those into 10 weights.

Google fonts only shows 9 weights (which fits nicely with CSS).
Fira Sans Thin        (100)  
Fira Sans ExtraLight  (200) 
Fira Sans Light       (300) 
Fira Sans Regular     (400) 
Fira Sans Medium      (500) 
Fira Sans SemiBold    (600)  
Fira Sans Bold        (700) 
Fira Sans ExtraBold   (800)  
Fira Sans Black       (900)   (Heavy)

They simply ignore the rest.


Overpass Thin        (100) 
Overpass ExtraLight  (200)
Overpass Light       (300)
Overpass Regular     (400)  
Overpass SemiBold    (600) 
Overpass Bold        (700)
Overpass ExtraBold   (800) 
Overpass Heavy       (900)

8 weights
There is no reason why this should not work properly.
Assigning the first three fonts the same weight (see above) makes no sense.

EB Garamond 12 (octaviopardo)

EB Garamond Regular    (400)
EB Garamond Medium     (500)
EB Garamond SemiBold   (600) 
EB Garamond Bold       (700)  
EB Garamond ExtraBold  (800)

5 weights.
The Medium and SemiBold should work properly (see above).

I do not see how this coretext thing can ever work properly with modern typefaces.
It simply does not fit.

LO is already displaying the unique Full Font Name from the font file.
Why not just use that?
Other apps do. 
And the bold and italics buttons still work where appropriate.
Most modern fonts have structured the font info fields to work either way.

If the weight is needed to map to HTML for example, just read it from the font file.

It looks to me that coretext will never work.
Or can someone please tell ignorant me how it possibly can work.

Why is coretext needed for selecting fonts when the metadata can be used instead?
Comment 69 How can I remove my account? 2018-05-02 07:22:01 UTC
"There is no reason why this should not work properly"

Congratulations, you have now discovered the simplest definition of what a bug is.
Comment 70 Thomas Linard 2018-05-02 08:30:53 UTC
(In reply to LibreTraining from comment #68)

> So this "coretext" is stuffing all fonts into one of these 10 weights.
> Correct?

Pango seems to do that. Doesn't seem very wise, but if it suits them…

> And as mentioned above, coretext is assigning different weights the same
> weight.

Not exactly. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=766148 is a must-read.

> This causes multiple fonts to be assigned the same weight, causes conflicts,
> and display errors.

LibreOffice seems to do that, yes.

> It looks to me that coretext will never work.

My tests show no bug in Font Book, TextEdit, Apple Pages and MS Word (well, almost for Word).

> Or can someone please tell ignorant me how it possibly can work.
> Why is coretext needed for selecting fonts when the metadata can be used
> instead?

Keep in mind than the same behavior (almost) is observable with LibreOffice on Linux, so CoreText isn't the real problem.
Comment 71 LibreTraining 2018-05-03 01:32:10 UTC
(In reply to Thomas Linard from comment #70)
> (In reply to LibreTraining from comment #68)
> > So this "coretext" is stuffing all fonts into one of these 10 weights.
> > Correct?
> Pango seems to do that. Doesn't seem very wise, but if it suits them…
> > And as mentioned above, coretext is assigning different weights the same
> > weight.
> Not exactly. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=766148 is a
> must-read.

It is surprising after reading through that entire thing that the bug was marked fixed.
The tables in Comment 8 show the same issues we have here.
The same OS2 weight being mapped to multiple Pango-CoreText weights.
The results in the different tables were all over the place.

It is easy to see why Fira Sans Book, Regular, and Medium get broken.

> > This causes multiple fonts to be assigned the same weight, causes conflicts,
> > and display errors.
> LibreOffice seems to do that, yes.
> > It looks to me that coretext will never work.
> My tests show no bug in Font Book, TextEdit, Apple Pages and MS Word (well,
> almost for Word).

I expect that any font utility will work correctly.
The three different font management utilities on my Win 7 system all list the fonts correctly, and display them correctly.

The fonts all display correctly in InDesign and in QuarkXpress.

> > Or can someone please tell ignorant me how it possibly can work.
> > 
> > Why is coretext needed for selecting fonts when the metadata can be used
> > instead?
> Keep in mind than the same behavior (almost) is observable with LibreOffice
> on Linux, so CoreText isn't the real problem.

I also read through
Bug 98596 - Correct handling of font families (weight, style, stretches) on Linux 
before posting here.
The issues seem pretty much the same.
Multiple fonts being confused as one based on a faulty weighting system.

I tested the fonts mentioned here and in that bug on my Windows 7 + LO6.0.3.2.
Fira Sans, Overpass, EB Garamond 12, and Lato (9 weights), and others.

With one commercial Pro font I gave-up and edited the font family to be unique for each weight and width I wanted to use.
Works fine now in LO6.

This issue appears to affect Mac, Linux, and Windows pretty much the same.

From these two bug discussions, and the Pango bug discussion you linked to above, it appears this will not be working properly any time soon.

So for now the workarounds are:
 - limited fonts installed from a font family to avoid conflicts
 - edit the fonts to make the family name unique for each weight/width
Comment 72 Thomas Linard 2018-07-05 12:18:23 UTC
According to https://www.collaboraoffice.com/community-news/recent-mac-specific-fixes-in-libreoffice/ the bug is gone. So, I did my tests again: in reality, nothing has changed.

Test report with LibreOffice 6.1 Beta 2, macOS 10.13.5

Open-source fonts installed (in OTF version each):

EB Garamond version 1.0 (10 styles)

Fira Sans version 4.3.1 (92 styles)

Overpass version 3.0.2 (16 styles)

All fonts are correctly viewed in Font Book, TextEdit, Apple Pages (version 7.1) and Microsoft Word 2016 for Mac (version 16.14.1). Fira Sans is presented as 3 families: Fira Sans, Fira Sans Compressed, Fira Sans Condensed).

In LibreOffice 6.1.0 Beta 2:

EB Garamond: 4 styles are missing.
Medium Italic
SemiBold Italic

Fira Sans is presented as 3 families: Fira Sans, Fira Sans Compressed, Fira Sans Condensed.

Fira Sans: 16 styles are missing.
Four Italic
Hair Italic
Heavy Italic
Medium Italic
SemiBold Italic
Two Italic
Ultra Italic
Ultra Light
Ultra Light Italic

Fira Sans Compressed: 16 styles are missing.
Same as Fira Sans (except Ultra styles, unique to Fira Sans) + Fira Sans Compressed Thin (and Italic)

Fira Sans Condensed: 14 styles are missing.
Same as Fira Sans (except Ultra styles, unique to Fira Sans)

Overpass: 2 styles are missing
Overpass Heavy
Overpass Heavy Italic

So, it seems that LibreOffice 6.1.0 Beta 2 on macOS effectively handles italics and stretches (nothing changed), but still fails on some weights, in both extremes of the spectrum and in the middle (nothing changed).

I think the same test on Linux will still gives very similar results. See bug 98596.
Comment 73 How can I remove my account? 2018-07-05 12:32:42 UTC
Nobody has said that everything is perfect now. Some details for some specific fonts have been fixed. As can be seen from the actual commits.
Comment 74 How can I remove my account? 2018-07-05 12:33:58 UTC
The webpage you linked to says "The fix for this was to simply handle these special cases separately. If resources allow and more similar problematic fonts are identified, some more generic fix would be needed."
Comment 75 Thomas Linard 2018-07-05 12:43:51 UTC
(In reply to Tor Lillqvist from comment #74)
> The webpage you linked to says "The fix for this was to simply handle these
> special cases separately. If resources allow and more similar problematic
> fonts are identified, some more generic fix would be needed."

Well… "If (…) more similar problematic fonts are identified": this kind of statement implies that the problems are yet to be discovered. I think my tests show a general problem, both on macOS and on Linux. That the same behavior occurs on two systems managing fonts in very different ways shows in my opinion (and for any observer, I think) that the problem is systematic.

It would be more accurate to say: "we know there is a general problem, that it is still not solved, and we've only solved some very specific cases".
Comment 76 LibreTraining 2018-07-11 02:30:39 UTC Comment hidden (off-topic)
Comment 77 How can I remove my account? 2018-07-11 06:29:06 UTC
This is a Mac-specific bug report. It even says so in the title. Please don't confuse it by reporting findings on Windows here.
Comment 78 How can I remove my account? 2018-07-11 06:35:00 UTC
Thomas: Of course any writing can always be improved. And depending on who one asks, one even gets different ideas how to improve it. Endless bike-shedding possibilities! But is this bugzilla really the place to discuss what was written in some marketing material some time ago?

Also, yes, I don't think anybody who has worked on the code is unaware that the handling of styles of a font family in LibreOffice could be improved a lot, cross-platform.
Comment 79 Thomas Linard 2018-07-11 07:26:54 UTC
(In reply to Tor Lillqvist from comment #78)
> Thomas: Of course any writing can always be improved. And depending on who
> one asks, one even gets different ideas how to improve it. Endless
> bike-shedding possibilities! But is this bugzilla really the place to
> discuss what was written in some marketing material some time ago?
> Also, yes, I don't think anybody who has worked on the code is unaware that
> the handling of styles of a font family in LibreOffice could be improved a
> lot, cross-platform.

I only want to point out that the bug isn't about some bad fonts or some specific fonts. I've chosen three typeface families for testing (open source, no problem to download for everybody), but I could take 30, 300 or 3000 with the same kind of results. If this point is clear for everybody, fine!
Comment 80 LibreTraining 2018-07-11 20:14:17 UTC Comment hidden (off-topic)
Comment 81 Thomas Linard 2018-07-11 21:08:25 UTC
(In reply to LibreTraining from comment #80)
> I think part of the problem is these are not looked at together.
> Some of the problems appear to be font defects.
> Some of the problems may be the font meta data, or lack thereof.

If you think fonts have bugs, please report them to their creator (it can actually happen, but it's rare, and if the tricks around the nameID 1 & 2 that were used 15 years ago to get around the problems beyond RIBBI are no longer those in favor today, it doesn't matter, as long as the nameID 4, 6, 16 and 17, possibly 21 and 22, are correct).

> Until Windows, Mac, and Linux testers are testing the same font families,
> and those font families are determined to not have bugs or have been fixed,
> and comparing what works and what does not work by platform,
> this is just a scattershot approach.
> Bundled fonts may be "corrected/enhanced* and some issues may go away.

Most of the time, proprietary licenses for fonts doesn't allow modification (and never, ever, distribution of modified fonts). So you've to deal with the fonts in the state they're in.
Comment 82 Alex Thurgood 2018-07-27 07:01:34 UTC
*** Bug 118897 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 83 Thomas Linard 2018-08-06 06:06:25 UTC
*** Bug 119116 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 84 giannis.sc 2019-02-24 14:41:38 UTC
I seem to be having the same problem on Ubuntu and on Fedora and I stumbled upon an interesting discovery.

My fonts are installed system-wide (/usr/share/fonts) and initially are all recognized by libreoffice. Once I change the default language though, in my case from English US to English UK the different font weight/families are not recognized properly. 

The same happens with libreoffice installed from the repositories and from flatpak.

I though you should know as it might help you determine the source of this bug
Comment 85 Thomas Linard 2019-02-24 23:32:23 UTC
(In reply to giannis.sc from comment #84)
> I seem to be having the same problem on Ubuntu and on Fedora and I stumbled
> upon an interesting discovery.
> My fonts are installed system-wide (/usr/share/fonts) and initially are all
> recognized by libreoffice. Once I change the default language though, in my
> case from English US to English UK the different font weight/families are
> not recognized properly. 
> The same happens with libreoffice installed from the repositories and from
> flatpak.
> I though you should know as it might help you determine the source of this
> bug

Hi, you're right, this isn't a Mac only bug: Linux bug is bug 98596.
Comment 86 giannis.sc 2019-02-25 14:20:27 UTC
(In reply to Thomas Linard from comment #85)
> (In reply to giannis.sc from comment #84)
> > I seem to be having the same problem on Ubuntu and on Fedora and I stumbled
> > upon an interesting discovery.
> > 
> > My fonts are installed system-wide (/usr/share/fonts) and initially are all
> > recognized by libreoffice. Once I change the default language though, in my
> > case from English US to English UK the different font weight/families are
> > not recognized properly. 
> > 
> > The same happens with libreoffice installed from the repositories and from
> > flatpak.
> > 
> > I though you should know as it might help you determine the source of this
> > bug
> Hi, you're right, this isn't a Mac only bug: Linux bug is bug 98596.

Well I know that it is not an Mac only bug. My point is I think i have found the source of the bug. 

I have initially installed Libreffice with the US locale and initially LibreOffice works fine recognize all fonts, weights and their families once I go into LibreOffice settings and attempt to change the language say from US to UK and upon restart it stops recognizing font families and weight. As soon I go back to the default then the problem is solved

Might be worth looking into
Comment 87 Alex Thurgood 2019-03-08 08:41:51 UTC
*** Bug 123725 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 88 Alex Thurgood 2019-03-28 15:02:24 UTC
*** Bug 124187 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 89 Xisco Faulí 2019-06-27 16:38:36 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 90 Alex Thurgood 2019-09-06 13:07:34 UTC
*** Bug 127377 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 91 Xisco Faulí 2019-11-29 12:53:04 UTC
Changing priority to 'high' since the number of duplicates is 5 or higher
Comment 92 Xisco Faulí 2019-12-02 13:42:00 UTC
Changing priority to 'highest' since this a regression and the number of duplicates is higher than 5 or the number of people in CC higher than 20
Comment 93 Tobias Hemm 2019-12-07 14:45:51 UTC
(In reply to giannis.sc from comment #86)

> I have initially installed Libreffice with the US locale and initially
> LibreOffice works fine recognize all fonts, weights and their families once
> I go into LibreOffice settings and attempt to change the language say from
> US to UK and upon restart it stops recognizing font families and weight. As
> soon I go back to the default then the problem is solved
> Might be worth looking into
I have tested that, and it’s true:
With locale setting "German (Germany)", font families, optical sizes and styles get recognized differently than with locale setting "Englisch (USA)" (see my attached image below). Under the German settings, Optical sizes (Subhead, Caption etc.) don’t appear at all. Under the USA settings, i get a non-structured "stew".

As you can see in the attached image, both settings are not satisfying.
Either, everything should be summarized under one single Family (Adobe Jenson Pro, Cecilia LT Pro), or all the Optical Sizes should have one entry (Adobe Jenson Pro, Adobe Jenson Pro Cap, Adobe Jenson Pro Subh, Adobe Jenson Pro Disp) with all the weights under them. Also widths (e.g. Condensed or Narrow) could get a separate entry, but weights should never have one because they belong to "Style".

Instead of writing a long manual about how I think it would best be done, I highly recommend: Just look at how it is done in Scribus 1.5.5 (also see image). Maybe it is possible to do it that way.
Comment 94 Tobias Hemm 2019-12-07 14:50:42 UTC
Created attachment 156391 [details]
Font recogniction in LibreOffice Writer
Comment 95 Tobias Hemm 2019-12-08 22:53:27 UTC
I have to partly relativize what I said above: The "stew" came from inconsistencies in the font files. I have adjusted the attached image accordingly.

But what holds true is that, depending on the locale setting, LO accesses different information in the font files.
It seems that, with the USA setting, LO accesses the information behind "family" in the "TTF Names", and with the German setting, LO accesses the information behind "Preferred Family".

At the moment, the way it is done by the USA setting is better because, as another bug report stated, LO can only handle a limited amount of font weights/styles. What that leads to is that different optical sizes are simply not shown and thus unusable.

Therefore, it needs to be done either the "USA way" or the "Scribus way".
Scribus seems to access "Preferred Family" too, but it can handle more font weights and styles.
Comment 96 Tobias Hemm 2019-12-08 22:56:24 UTC
Created attachment 156419 [details]
Font recognition in LibreOffice (locale USA and Germany) and Scribus
Comment 97 Heiko Robert 2020-01-03 10:42:08 UTC
This bug is marked as Mac related but I see the issue somehow on all platforms. So what about having a common bug describing the generic issues related to the LO code and three depending bug tickets describing the OS specific issues?

We use TrueType Font Titillium (https://fontain.org/titillium/) which has similar issues like Fira Sans.

The generic issue I see is the way how LO retrives the font (family) names and style names. Is there any pattern/logic we could describe here to identif the wrong behavior? 

On Windows and Mac for most applications this is not an issue. Font family names are retrived from TTF metadata (Preferred Family, Family, Postscript Name) and similar Style names (Preferred Syles, Styles (SubFamily), OS/2 Style Map, OS/2 Panose Weight, Postscript Weight).

Using LibreOffice

On Windows 10: 
* Font names seems to be retrieved from Postscript Family Name (I checked with different locales - same result)
* Style names are quite unclear - some are translated from TTF Style names, some from PS style names?
* Once I modified all PS family names to absolute names like "Titillium Lite", "Titillium Black" instead of "Titillium" I was able to work with the font on Windows since LO handles the fonts as different fonts. This also works on printouts / created PDFs. Still unclear is how LO retrieves the font style. The distinct font "Titillium Lite" should only contain one style "light" but contains Standard, Italic, Bold, Italic Bold. How to force only the styles contained in the font family name?

On MacOS 10.13 / Ubuntu 18: 
* Font names seem to be retrieved from TTF "Preferred Family" which is different (!): "Titillium". As a consequence it is not possible to share LO docs between Windows and MacOS/Linux becuase LO complains about missing fonts.
* Style "Thin" could be selected but style "Light" is used for display an printout. I played with different OS/2 Panose Weight, Postscript Weight and OS/2 weight classes without success. It seems there is a hardcoded issue to distinguesh thin and light styles even the OS/2 weight classes differ (100, 200).

As a first step LO should retrieve the font family and font style name the same way on all platforms. Of course then at least one platform has to translate font names in existing documents but that is already the daily nightmare in mixed OS environments.

Addtionally we should know how LO maps style names to the 10 possible variants it supports. What are the priorities and which properties are relevant? Same for special style variants regular/italic/bold - which property is used for the LO style list? Understanding this logic would help uses to work around todays restrictions by manipulating their fonts.

Long term LO should refactor the font style limitation by supporting unlimited number of styles and to use "Preferred Family" and "Preferred Styles" from TTF metadata if available.
Comment 98 How can I remove my account? 2021-10-10 07:16:39 UTC
> This bug is marked as Mac related but I see the issue somehow on all platforms

Sure, but have you looked at the source code? LO uses different code on different platforms to enumerate fonts and classify them. There might be bugs in the code for one platform that doesn't as such exist identically on other platforms.

But yeah, if bug reporters insist on mixing in issues seen on other platforms in this bug, go ahead, this bug report is practically useless already with so much noise.
Comment 99 eisa01 2022-02-05 15:47:46 UTC
*** Bug 145041 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 100 Khaled Hosny 2023-02-24 11:58:37 UTC
I suggest people stop marking more bugs as duplicates of this bug since it is not really helpful. I don’t even know what this bug is about anymore and I’m inclined to close it after reviewing the rest of the duplicates.
Comment 101 Khaled Hosny 2023-02-24 17:18:59 UTC
I’m closing this bug now since there is nothing left here, all duplicated bugs have been de-duplicated and are either left open or closed as appropriate.