Bug 129661 (RTL-UI) - [META] Right-To-Left (RTL) user interface issues
Summary: [META] Right-To-Left (RTL) user interface issues
Status: NEW
Alias: RTL-UI
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UI (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Hardware: All All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on: 32531 39935 56412 58353 62063 62932 63444 63929 70102 79655 80662 83350 94847 95539 98244 100584 112992 113134 113412 114194 114746 120206 120615 121584 129445 Start-and-End 133820 135350 135515 136899 136901 140417 141035 144296 147814 148257 148305 148433 148870 149777 150409 150511 150512 150952 151123 151336 152119 152125 152549 152938 153990 153991 153992 153995 154103 154450 154491 154494 154523 154524 156073 156274 156438 157961 158648 159718 160040 160094 161205 161491 161758 161850 162200 164492 165206 165299 33356 42577 44582 44657 45147 53030 54494 56403 56970 57422 58919 60315 60855 62050 63254 63323 63523 69280 73494 80467 80512 80533 83874 85767 91853 93352 94010 96333 96600 100585 101361 105416 106163 107296 112827 112830 112834 112845 112846 112847 112876 112993 114223 114505 115682 116250 120644 124116 124127 126543 126544 126605 129570 129662 129986 131725 131726 133816 133821 134085 134166 134337 135743 137083 138440 139241 140416 140459 140783 142518 142519 143440 144724 146928 148432 149432 149741 149956 150820 151722 151925 153080 153207 153853 154547 154720 155692 156100 157784 158552 158768 159251 161195 163601 164495 165455 165510
Blocks: UI RTL
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2019-12-28 01:37 UTC by Aron Budea
Modified: 2025-02-28 13:49 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Aron Budea 2019-12-28 01:37:10 UTC
These bugs can often be tested in LTR environment by starting LO with:
SAL_RTL_ENABLED=1 ./soffice
Comment 1 Eyal Rozenberg 2019-12-28 11:58:01 UTC
For people who arrive hear around this time (end of 2019) - some of the dependent bugs seem to need some triage.