Bug 129062 (Skia) - [META] Skia library bugs
Summary: [META] Skia library bugs
Status: NEW
Alias: Skia
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: graphics stack (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Hardware: All All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on: 98451 107198 132312 137536 137665 139997 141780 141980 142789 143084 143108 143525 145106 148957 149762 150111 150531 150532 151328 151627 152033 152175 152422 153279 153456 153554 153813 154584 155320 155357 156216 156365 156791 160525 160633 160762 160783 Skia-macOS 163165 105650 116133 117826 118536 129064 129074 129076 129077 129120 129211 129280 129345 129416 129439 129546 129863 129865 129929 130029 130051 130233 130430 130604 131287 131408 131419 131426 131543 131547 131579 131663 131696 131697 131705 131721 131753 131939 131952 132013 132051 132084 132115 132155 132197 132228 132241 132297 132323 132333 132334 132335 132367 132438 132439 132498 132529 132681 132856 133016 133152 133208 133215 133246 133254 133275 133289 133339 133399 133637 133848 133905 133908 133925 134129 134152 134160 134275 134335 134342 134346 134352 134363 134365 134366 134574 134631 135078 135351 135370 135395 135485 135487 135490 136036 136070 136081 136139 136171 136195 136222 136223 136240 136241 136244 136310 136326 136334 136369 136371 136381 136407 136458 136477 136479 136521 136523 136553 136575 136674 136767 136990 137005 137068 137122 137159 137177 137329 137559 137563 137672 137907 137934 137935 138022 138145 138219 138459 138581 138729 138973 139502 139917 140023 140129 140288 140300 140583 140753 140848 140917 140925 140930 140940 141090 141277 141680 141715 142131 142174 142530 142835 143059 143152 143396 143509 143837 144090 144145 144330 144598 144763 144923 145267 145794 145803 146036 146095 146183 146242 146402 146767 146786 147353 147608 147645 147714 148574 148624 149075 149527 149657 149833 149902 150157 150178 150190 150555 150609 150645 150817 150821 150834 151153 151632 151703 151805 151868 151929 152040 152468 152559 152649 152688 152958 153306 153922 154378 154874 155070 155084 155143 155400 155661 155902 156215 156881 156986 158231 158739 158942 158945 159214 159751 160036 160359 160665 160757 161135 161879 161988 163145 164394 164428 164552
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Reported: 2019-11-27 15:59 UTC by Roman Kuznetsov
Modified: 2025-01-03 16:36 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:


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Description Roman Kuznetsov 2019-11-27 15:59:07 UTC
[META] Skia library bugs

Let's collect here all Skia's bugs

Lubus, I CCed you to this META

Steps to Reproduce:

Actual Results:

Expected Results:

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: No

Additional Info:
Comment 1 Aron Budea 2019-12-12 19:06:54 UTC
For the record, here's the announcement:

For now Skia can be enabled by setting the following environment variable: SAL_ENABLESKIA=1

And it's only enabled for X11 'gen' and Windows VCL backends.
Comment 2 V Stuart Foote 2020-03-30 14:19:32 UTC
Folks, when posting issues against Skia rendering (Vulkan h/w, or software only), please post GPU and driver details for your system

On Windows systems, os GPU and driver details can be found in a run of msinfo32.exe

OS and system hardware on the system summary. GPU hardware and driver on the components -> display tab

Simple select and copy/paste.

This will be needed to work out blacklist for Skia rendering.


Comment 3 V Stuart Foote 2020-04-09 15:52:03 UTC
For maintaining a blacklist of GPU and Vulkan driver pairings, will need the Vulkan reported 'deviceID', 'vendorID' and 'driverVersion' -- these will not be the same as the os reported GPU and Driver details we'd used for OpenGL issues.

At the moment, they are not exposed for review from the LO Skia implementation.

The realtechVR OpenGL Extensions Viewer [1] now provides a reporting module for Vulkan resources.  After a run of rendering testing, clicking the submit button will generate a set of feature reports, including a "vkview" report that has the GPU's internal Vulkan details.   Those will be needed when reporting issues for potential Blacklisting.

[1] http://www.realtech-vr.com/home/glview
Comment 4 Roman Kuznetsov 2020-04-10 22:00:18 UTC
(In reply to V Stuart Foote from comment #3)
> For maintaining a blacklist of GPU and Vulkan driver pairings, will need the
> Vulkan reported 'deviceID', 'vendorID' and 'driverVersion' -- these will not
> be the same as the os reported GPU and Driver details we'd used for OpenGL
> issues.
> At the moment, they are not exposed for review from the LO Skia
> implementation.
> The realtechVR OpenGL Extensions Viewer [1] now provides a reporting module
> for Vulkan resources.  After a run of rendering testing, clicking the submit
> button will generate a set of feature reports, including a "vkview" report
> that has the GPU's internal Vulkan details.   Those will be needed when
> reporting issues for potential Blacklisting.
> =-ref-=
> [1] http://www.realtech-vr.com/home/glview

Lubos added (https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/91980) this:

"So just dump the info to
<cachedir>/skia.log (where on Windows the <cachedir> should be

I think we should say to bugreporters just to give us info from that file if they wrote a skia bug reprot
Comment 5 Luboš Luňák 2020-04-14 09:42:29 UTC
Both ways are acceptable as long as they provide the necessary Vulkan information and not things like the marketing version numbers.
Comment 6 Stéphane Guillou (stragu) 2023-05-16 13:27:29 UTC
Since version 7.6 and the fix for bug 155070, the Skia log can be copied from Tools ▸ Options... ▸ LibreOffice ▸ View.