Since Bug 40594 met its goal of showing a chart, it was closed. We'll continue keep track of all the remaining issues with MSO chart objects here.
Added Bug 72838 - Chart border shown incorrectly
Added Bug 75054 with the following issues: A) Title axis is not vertically (270 deg) aligned B) Legend is not placed at the bottom of the chart C) First data label of 2nd column (250) is displayed on the bottom
Added Bug 74808 - FILEOPEN: . xlsx chart displayed empty in LibO and correct in MS Excel bug still present in but already fixed in alpha1+
added Bug 78080 - FILESAVE: Title appears in chart when saving in .xlsx
added Bug 78456 - FILEOPEN: Marker colors are not applied to charts with line type 'none' when opening XLSX
I added these bugs after testing docx RT bug 82182. Bug 82216 - FILEOPEN: DOCX with OLE Chart missing chart name (regression) Bug 82217 - FILEOPEN: DOCX with OLE Chart missing border Bug 82218 - FILEOPEN: DOCX with OLE Chart missing chart data
Chart object issues where you have to check some discussion pattern. Thesse discussion pattern based our discussion is valid we have to done more to always achieve Different objects are discussed but to understand object it is really important for everyone.